Anthem - BioWare's take on Destiny

I like the new stronghold, it feels distinctive in gameplay from the others and is visually distinctive as well. Should be a fun add to the rotation. We’ll see how I feel after I’ve run it fifty times.

My rule of thumb is that if you still want that omelette after fifty runs, it must be a good stronghold.

The rotation thing is key for me. Any one of the strongholds would be a slog after fifty runs - hell, just about anything would be. But I find that the strongholds each seem to have slightly different gameplay emphasis, and have different enemies. Going through each in turn helps them stay fresh. And I think the new one works well in that regard. At least so far.

They do need an Outlaw Stronghold however. We currently have 2 Scar and 2 Dominion (though Tyrant Mine has a bunch of wildlife too).

If you need to reach your 250 or 500 kills weekly, just go to the Hollow or Necropolis in Freeplay.

Oh, I was comparing speed of a real group vs solo. Since the comment was I got that loot on easy. But on Easy you are probably going to be solo, except Temple of Scar.

And my guess as to why matches what you just said. Seems to be consensus fastest run.

Unless the Sunken Cell has its own unique loot table with stuff specific to it and only after a loot revamp, I don’t think I’ll be doing it more than the one time.

I’d probably do that on hard or lower as well. at gm levels, they are too much of a bullet sponge. I’ve just pretty much ignored those weeklies thus far though

What is your Javelin Score currently?

Even the “text chat” doesn’t work properly?

Text Chat is “Speech to Text,” right? Maybe the first line is what you typed and the second is whatever your mic picked up?

Maybe I’m doing it wrong (wouldn’t be the first time), but I may have spoken too soon about gear swaps outside Tarsis being good.

Anthem has, in the Forge, under the bottle left red Javelins the ability to store loadouts. When I swap elements, say a fire to an acid on my Colossus, and I’m probably one weapon, both skills, all the components (have sets with +element% now), that save load out is nice.

Get into a rando HoR and we start Monitor fight and I’ve been in my fire loadout, I think this is the perfect time to look in the UI and swap to my acid build. And maybe back to fire for the acid phase. Stop on ledge before fight …

Go into UI, get map, see “Forge” now … but no red javelin to get to saved loadouts. Hit a few other menu items to see if it has been moved up there and YOINK get pulled down into fight. Nope.

Look again in Freeplay, yes, you can access “The Forge” but you can’t access your saved loadouts?

This is not nearly as useful as anticipated, esp. in a stronghold with yoinking before boss fights/phases.

The person who took that screenshot says they typed it without any mic input. Apparently, the TTS engine is still parsing the keyboard entry somehow (badly?) so it’s not “real” text chat.

Does anyone remember if the macguffin shield of dawn was used at all in the last dungeon?

I have a couple in the 675-685 range.

Other item I don’t like is that at the end of expedition screen, you can’t go directly to the Forge anymore (xBone, at least).

Here’s a question for game developers:

The above E3 2017 trailer turned out to be fake and released game performance is slower and looks inferior. I know prerendered CG cinematics and stuff are prerendered on render farms but given how GPU + CPU hardware advancements, shouldn’t 2+ years later run as good as or better?

Is this fake trailer prerendered or is the ‘in-engine’ footnote text only technically correct? I know the “pro” versions of a GPU generation (Maxwell, Pascal etc.) like Quadros and Titans are basically only as powerful as the fastest consumer versions (Titan vs 1080 Ti) …what gives?

Obviously this is meant to be understood by the educated customer to mean:

  • This is not in-game
  • The game you buy in a year/two years time will look nothing like this.
  • You will not be informed otherwise

i.e. business as usual in the leisure software industry where customer feedback consists of: Here, take my money and customer backlash consists of reddit threads after-the-fact.

It was in-engine. That much was true. But was not a game at that point. So it was a half-truth with intention to lie that ended becoming a total lie.

But what hardware is it running in real time on?