Anthem - BioWare's take on Destiny

My friend is getting hounded by invites for their party boat where they have indentured slaves in the form of SeaOrg.

So wait, there’s new gear going into Anthem now? Guess I missed that this was coming.

Bad loot system is still bad.

These were datamined 3 months ago I believe along with support items. They just have had no plans or competence to implement them.

So is it just me or does it seem they are doing everything possible to just pretend the game never happened?

It’s annoying, because the gameplay was quite fun. I had a really good time with it while the content lasted.

It’s Andromeda all over again.

Anthem is BioWare’s Springtime For Hitler.

So everybody ready to jump back into some Anthem? Huh? Huh??

My reaction was so tepid I didn’t even bother to read into the details of the event. While I enjoyed my time with the game, I think I just need to hear they completely revamped the endgame/loot system/whatever to really pique my interested enough to reinstall. I have doubts that EA will ever give them the time or resources to see that through, though.

Per the article, even this is buggy, as the kill requirements are only tallied for guns/melee. Grrr…

It’s more pointless grindy gated content. Fuck those guys.

So with lower player populations, the game client’s netcode and server stability is performing worse than before with constant crashing in Freeplay. I’ve never once had to worry about loss of progress or loot in Division 2 but Anthem continues to fail in its basics of networking since launch.

I played a little of this yesterday just to see what’s new. Been a couple months since I last played so stuff like pointing out where nearby secrets and targeted enemies are is helpful. The weird glowing blobs in the sky don’t really seem to do anything so I guess they’re placeholders for future content. I did experience one pilot error crash.

Still getting crashes in freeplay.

Still stalking this thread to find out when I should start playing.

Haha, me too. Vaguely thinking that one day they’ll pull a No Man’s Sky and come out with a major overhaul that makes it worth it.

If it wasn’t for Anthem, I probably would not have tried Warframe. In that respect, Anthem has been a great success for me!

Warframe is great. Even if the gameplay isn’t someone’s cup of tea, it’s a good example of how you run on a GaaS in a good way. Maybe EA/Bioware should have given it a try at some point!

Unfortunately for me, I tried Warframe back in 2013, and didn’t like it all.

I’m one of those waiting to see Anthem news about how it’s all much better with the latest update.

Warframe is and DE are great, good choice! Welcome Tenno!