Apex Legends - battle royale in the Titanfall universe

If you haven’t played a BR before and don’t play FPS games online I could see this game being very difficult. I have tons of hours and still get my ass handed to me most of the time. There’s also a decent amount of hacking going on. Well on the PC at least.

I played a lot of PUBG and had a (low) number of wins there both solo and in pairs/teams… the 3v3 here though means unless your team is on point most of the time the guy you knock down is coming straight back up again and you don’t get the kill.

I’m currently averaging one kill every five or six rounds.

I think maybe it was 1 in 10 for me. Gotten to the top 2 several times, but each time we were just annihilated by a squad with hundreds-to-thousands of kills. I don’t see myself ever getting a win, let alone a nice little handful. I wish the PUBG devs didn’t suck so bad; I felt competitive there, but this is too twitchy for me.

The trick with Apex is don’t engage. Grab what you need. Fight when you have too and play smart. If it looks like a trap, it is. Sometimes I get ganked by the champion right when I land, but lots of times they die first or at some mid-point in the game. I do find it frustrating to set up a trap wait for them to walk into it and then still not be able to get a kill.
When it’s down to 3 teams wait. When you hear the guns shooting go in and try and clean up.

I’ve had way more wins in this than PUBG when running random groups. I usually get at least 1 win a day and in PUBG I could go weeks. If you get a team with one really good player that actually tries to help the team you can totally own.

I was considering trying the PS4 version, but I think the framerate + using a controller would drive me insane. Less hackers would be nice though. I’m starting to get the asian bots that barf out links to the cheats just like in PUBG. They need to step up their game on blocking that crap.

Im about the same as others. I haven’t had a chance to play in a few weeks, and know the skill curve is going to get worse.

Would kill for some skill based matchmaking

My best games have been I’ve got one buddy and a good random. Unfortunately our third player tends to go off on his own and get himself killed.

This game requires learning a lot morenstuff than PUBG and you have to do things much quicker. So I can totally see why people would have a hard time with it. I’m so add that it fits my playstyle I guess.

I’m sure matchmaking will be coming. They really need to focus on server performance. The early game lag can br insane.

All I know is I’ve had people open a door 5 feet in front of me, not see me, and I proceed to not hit a single shot firing the Spitfire from that distance before they turn around and instantly kill me.

I’ve even caught people completely by surprise from behind, start unloading a Peacemaker on them point blank from behind, yet they are still able to turn around and kill me first.

The only reliable way I’ve ever gotten kills is declaring a broken arrow and tossing a Gibraltar ult right at my feet as enemies rush up to kill me.

Another weird thing: I’ve played about 30 games with Wraith at this point, I’ve only ever once heard her “I’m being targeted” warning.

Boy, the one thing that could kill this game dead as fast as it took off, would be rampant hacking. /popcorn.

I didn’t hear it until I started listening for it. You also get an indicator on the screen to warn teammates, which is much harder to miss. If you see the indicator you’ll probably start noticing the voices too, they happen at the same time…

Is it always her voice saying, “I’m being targeted” or should I be listening for distorted whispers?

Where does the indicator appear and what does it look like?

That’s the one. There are a couple voices depending on the situation.

The indicator, on Xbox, pops up in the bottom left-ish of the screen. It says “Warn Teammates” with the up-arrow on the dpad as the command.

I’ve been listening for it for 25 out of those 30ish games. Weird how I never heard it except that one time.

I gave up playing Wraith and Pathfinder though. They’re both high skill ceilings that need a coordinated team to get anything out of their ults. I’ve never been able to get anything out of Wraith’s Q either. The delay before you blink is murder, the blink doesn’t last long, and everyone can see where you’re going.

The only people I got any success with was Lifeline and lucky Gibraltar (lucky ults). With Lifeline all my abilities are simply supporting teammates who can actually kill people.

Only time I can get any shooting kills are games where I manage to get a sniper rifle with digital threat.

Million bucks to stream a video game.

When you consider how many people he can influence it makes sense why they would pay him so much. He’s such an annoying tool that I hope he fades out. I think Shroud has been pulling in more viewers at least. It’s crazy how much these people are pulling in playing games.

I’d lose at Guess Who Streamer Edition - was that the top Fortnite guy?

Yes last I heard between sponsers and subs he’s pulling in like 500k a month. I’m doing this living thing wrong.

Shroud isn’t any less annoying though.