Assassin's Creed Odyssey - It's time to Greek out

Surely not. Rome again? I still think Asia somewhere.

There were times when a general would go against the Senate and march on Rome. Plenty of strife going on during its history. Could add in Atilla the Elephants for some fun too.

If the rumor is true, the setting would be the Year of Five Emperors, where presumably you’d have enough chaos going on to hang some AC story hooks onto perhaps.



yeah it’s fairly obvious they were going to get egypt - greece - rome out of this latest engine.

The issue isn’t lack of strife but who would you play as. You wouldn’t be playing a Julius Caesar simulator, but a warrior/soldier/assassin like every other AC game. So I still don’t see how this would work.

Same as Odyssey where you were essentially a mercenary who could do missions for different sides(Greeks or Spartans).

I think most mercenaries were foreign or, barbarian troops, under Roman military command. It just doesn’t work as well as the Greek world, where Greek hired swords were fairly common.

I haven’t played this since around launch, but can anyone else confirm/comment on this?

I honestly haven’t checked yet. That said, by the end of the story, close to level 40, I had more gold than i could spend.

That’s before the level cap increased to 70 in Nov.

When I finished last week I was level 55 and gold stopped being a problem at least 20 levels ago. I really didn’t even need to upgrade my gear all that often either. I was generally running around in gear 3-5 levels below me for the last 20 hours or so.

Oh. This does look bad.

…the fuck. I really hope that is a bug.

Right, but the concern seems to be changes that were made just yesterday from the latest patch, is the thing.

Well, crap.

Well that’s a shitty stealth nerf.

Don’t you people have wallets? :-P


I guess it’s a way to get more money from the people who are now buying the game at a bargain price. Less money up front.

Sure, I’ll upgrade your dagger. I just need 12,661 goat skins. What? Why do I need goatskins to upgrade a dagger? Look, you want to upgrade it yourself, feel free. Oh. You got them? Damn, girl, that’s a lot of goat skins. Okay… hang on… [tap tap tap] there you go. 303,855 drachmae, please…

So to upgrade the dagger you just have to exterminate all the wildlife in Ancient Greece…

So does this just break the game outright? It certainly looks like it from the outside.