Bargain Thread 2017

Tumbleseed is a lot of fun on Switch but I can’t really agree that the rumble they use is a seller on its own. Sure the “HD rumble” is more nuanced and precise than other systems but I don’t personally think it’s that big of a deal.

I noticed that Diablo III: Eternal Collection is 40% off ($36) on PS4 and XB1. This is the edition that includes Ultimate Evil Edition and Rise of the Necromancer. Decent price. Tempted to pick it up to replace my physical copy with the digital ed. so I’ll have the Ultimate Lazy Edition.

PC version of D3 is on sale as well, at Blizzard.

That is a nice bundle. If I recall correctly, Abzu was in one of those weird extra bundles they sometimes do but was one of the games that sold out of that if you weren’t one of the early buyers. So here’s a chance to get it again.

No Alien Isolation in the xBox sale - a missed opportunity, IMHO.

But there is State of Decay, which everybody should probably own. And I think I’m going to pick up the third season of Walking Dead.

Not sure if someone posted this already

Yeah, I thought that was odd too.

Alien is in the new halloween sale on Playstation NA for 9$. 20 with all DLC.

There’s around 250 games. I’m not familiar with most of them so I’ll let someone else point out good deals if they want. Lots of NISA games are also discounted (link). Disgaea 5 is 20$.

BundleStars has a new Spotlight 2 Bundle featuring 10 Steam games for $2.49.

  • Utopia 9 - A Volatile Vacation
  • One Night Stand
  • Bullshot
  • Pastry Lovers
  • Masky
  • TIMEframe
  • KickBeat Steam Edition
  • The Inner Darkness
  • 1931 : Scheherazade at the Library of Pergamum
  • Spheroids

To be honest, I’ve heard of none of these games, so no clue if the bundle is worth $2.50.

New Indie Mayhem Bundle at IndieGala. 12 Steam games and 10 IndieGala gold (useable on their auction store) for $2.99. Again no idea if any of them are any good.

GreenManGaming has Fallout 4 on sale for $12.75. Get the Season Pass for $25.49, which is $4.5o lower than it’s usual sale price.

I can only speak to Utopia 9, but it’s a good time.

BTW, got an email that BundleStars (which isn’t a great name) will be changing their name to “Fanatical”, also not such a great name.

Scheherazade is another ambitious story sim from the folks who did Academagia. Haven’t played it but I think they do stuff that’s at least $2.50 interesting.

Yeah I saw that email also, was so unimpressed I didn’t even care to post about it at the time.

Guess all the good names were taken? BundlesOfJoy? BundleUp? BundleRama? Bundlesliga? (You’d have to kick that one off with an all soccer bundle obviously)

There’s a Warmachine Humble Bundle out now:

It’s a ton of fiction, a lot of rulebooks, the PC game Warmachine Tactics, a physical CCG, and adventure kit with plastic minis, etc.

I guess if you want to jump into Warmachine, now’s the time. I was less than impressed with Warmachine: Tactics, but I haven’t even tried to play it in a long time. Perhaps it’s improved.

High Command isn’t a CCG. It’s a deckbuilder where you have per player market rows and field units to fight over VP locations. There are a bunch of expansion card packs but they are very much fixed content.

It is impressively close to the feel of the minis game.

Ok. I just looked that pic and saw the cards and assumed it was a CCG. So as a deckbuilder you have all the cards, then? That’s cool.

My problem would be finding someone to play with. I also don’t want to paint minis. It is an attractive looking deal, though. For $15 I get a ton of Warmachine stuff compared to what $15 will buy me in Warhammer stuff. If I thought I might really get into a Warmachine group I’d go for it.

If it was up to me, I’d go with Buyarrhea.

Don’t steal my idea, fuckers. I’ll sue you.

Same on Warmachine Tactics. Thoroughly unimpressed.

I need someone to sell me on this bundle. It’s not the money but the time investment. Is it worth it? Why?

Haha! That’s awesome!
GoGoBundle should change their name to that since all they seem to sell is shit anyway.

I didn’t even know there was a GoGoBundle, there’s so many of those now…

Humble Bundle is the premium bundle site. Indiegala and Bundlestars Fanatic suck, but sometimes there’s actually something worth buying. Anything else isn’t worth “a dollar for 100 games!” or even the eyeball time to look at the deal.

Unless there are some sites I’m missing?