Bargain Thread 2019

Well, I don’t particularly play strategy games multiplayer, so the scenarios/missions are what I usually play. But I assume Tribes comes with its own set of those.

Yes, it has a few campaigns. Undead and Orcs mostly, but you are jumping in at the end of the campaign.

And it has a few other stand along scenarios as well.

You can get the original maps and missions, there was a mod somewhere.

This might be talking about it but not sure:

And today, Wreckfest is even cheaper at $17.99! It’s taunting me to buy it now.

But what if its a humble monthly bundle headliner before the end of the year!

It’s nearing that price point.

Good point! I shall resist and instead play some of the Oregon DLC for American Truck Simulator, which I just bought this week (the DLC, that is–had the base game for a while). I shall enjoy the scenic wonders of the state I live in. :)

The glory of…Hermiston and Baker City :)

25% off RAGE 2 @ GMG , sadly a Bethesda Key.

I’ll play Rage 2 when it shows up on Game Pass in 2 months.

/remind me Aug 1 2019

It’s back to being called just Baker, last I heard. And Hermiston is famous for its watermelons! But point taken. I have a certain affection for the part of the state just past the Blue Mountains because my late dad grew up on a family farm/ranch near La Grande.

I wonder if the sim has the truck failed-brake grades/traps on I-84 that they do IRL coming down the Blues.

Or if there’s a simulated Ore Ida company in the game.

I should probably just buy the damn thing and find out myself.

I’m looking for deals on the Total War: Warhammer game(s). Especially as it sounds like you want to own both and run the original campaign in TW:WH2.

I figure I’m waiting until the Summer Sale…

I assume you already know about the isthereanydeal site, right? I’m also interested in those titles (but who knows when I’d have time to play them). as well. is better as they have a deeper database of price histories, though gg has a better mobile site.

Reminder to anyone who took advantage of this: you had to claim 3 months first, then wait at least 60 days to claim the other 9 months.

If you redeemed those first 3 months when you read about this deal, you can go back and claim the other 9 now.

Thanks! I totally would have forgotten to claim the rest.

I would’ve done the same but two-months-ago me showed surprising foresight and set a reminder in his phone.

Fanatical is all about anime this week. Idea Factory Pick and Mix Bundle offers 17 titles to choose from at 1 for $4.99, 3 for $9.99 or 5 for $14.99. Titles include many in the Neptunia series, Hakuoki games, Fairy Fencer F titles and 4 Goddesses Online. At as little as $3 each, this is a great deal.

Fanatical’s Star Deal today is God Eater 3 for $37.19, a nearly 40% discount and close to a historical low.

The Anime Stars Bundle is $3.49 and contains 6 Steam games:

  • Forward to the Sky
  • Strikey Sisters
  • Shuyan Saga
  • Antiquia Lost
  • Steel Vampire
  • XBlaze Code : Embryo

What is best in gaming? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women, all at a 23% discount! Brand new strategy game Conan Unconquered is $23.09 (23%) on GreenManGaming.

At least 3 good games in this bundle for $3.