Battlestar Galactica 19: Operation Airlift

Does Soon? I didn’t think anyone had drawn one yet.

Hmmm I don’t want to give it to our pilots since they’ll be busy now that the Cylons have shown up. Can I give it to myself? I feel like my turns are the least vital for now, if that makes sense. Well, if I can’t give the card to me, I’ll give it to rowe since he’s already in prison anyway.

You’re not making a great case for your humanity. It was a big gamble but I believe I had justifiable reasons for brigging you. We can afford one big move like that…sorry, I used it up. Only a Cylon in prison would be so insistent that I was a Cylon as well. A human would see that we could ill afford another possible human in jail.

Uh huh, it made perfect sense to use such a powerful OPG so early in the game for barely any reason at all. Unless of course you didn’t expect to remain human later in the game, when it would become much more useful. One of us jailed a human and blatantly wasted turns while the other…didn’t.

I destroyed a basestar and contributed to 3 checks that mattered. You’ve sat out on checks you could have helped and sacrificed resources to preserve your own cards.

Frankly if I wanted to use the OPG to damage humanity, I’d wait until Apollo or Kat are holding off a horde and wisk them off to the brig. I didn’t. I’m sacrificing my post-sleeper options to try to head off our hidden Cylon menance.

Well as I sit in here turn after turn, rotting away, since I can’t do your Cylon magic trick and reappear over on the Resurrection Ship, my fellow humans will eventually figure it out.

Our card distribution looks pretty even, i will take one of each @CraigM

Will make a battle plan when i see my cards, probably taking some shots at the left basestar but your input is welcome

Yes, as a byproduct of his OPG. I just forgot to mark that on the board (like I forgot to revise the morale. That’s what I get for trying to shortcut by using the previous board ;) )

Anyhow the Mutiny is yours.

@jeffreyb the turn is yours now.

LAUNCH VIPERS (AR to sector 3 and viper in 4)
I WILL CHOOSE TO PILOT THE VIPER IN SECTOR 4 (because i’m not a wimp like Kat)


Sorry, can’t make it more awesome than that
I’m leaving the raptor to Kat again since i don’t want to be stuck in space with my ability @Perky_Goth or i could send it to sector 3 if you so desire. I’m a democratic CAG after all

This is bad. Maybe brigging soon would have been good as we’d be sure to nuke one of those terrifyingly placed basestars via the new admiral. With the old one being less than reliable and all that. And with Gina’s weakness, though that is a long way away.

@jeffreyb, you’re not taking the assault raptor? you should

EDIT: nevermind, at request of my CAG

Launch it to 4 and I’ll throw a Strategic Planning 4 at the first MP shot. It’s probably a bit of a waste…

I update my post with the AR, i think you should keep the SP. The chances are bad as is. Might be much more usefull later.

FYI Perky, we’re not allowed to mention card values like that, unless in the act of using it. You can say you might be able to adjust the roll, etc.

Highly disagree with giving me the mutiny instead of brigging the Cylon. Giving it to me just makes it easier to put the President back in jail.

He didn’t. Ultimately Ot took it himself. You were mentioned since he wasn’t sure he was a valid target.

I meant to use it, but ya’ll might have a better intuition on how good it would be. I’m fine if you force me to use it after saying I have it, it might save us.

Ok, some clarification. Are you launching the Assault Raptor, or no. Your post has Schrodengers AR, both launched into 3, and left in reserve for Kat.

You pilot the Viper using your standard ability to jump ship, and use your free action to use the CAG ability. Got it. You activate the Viper in 3 to attack? Launch another Viper? I think launch, but want to confirm.

Then attack. That part I get ;)

Yes, im launching the raptor to 3

I’m launching another viper in 3

sorry boss :)

Ah I missed the ‘myself’ part. Still disagree with not brigging my brigger though.

Is there a golf ship remaining in the fleet? I need a break from all this presidential stress, even if I’m forced to wear an ankle bracelet.

So close, the glory you could almost taste it. Each shot successively closer, until the last one…

But that last shot sent out a burst of flame from the central spindle.

But it was only surface damage. Just missing the real juicy bits.

Rolls: 1,2,6,7

Terrorist Investigations

@Perky_Goth you lead this one off.