Best thing to have on French Fries

Whoa whoa whoa whoa what?! I’ve never heard of this and now must have it.

I give you Kapsalon

It technically is fries with something on it.

Best thing to me (and I’m a foodsnob who bakes his own bread) is “Fries War” or “Patat Oorlog” in Dutch. This is fries topped with Dutch Fry sause (most People -including Quentin Tarantino- confuse this with Mayonnaise), Sateh/Peanut sause and chopped onions.

California introduced me to garlic fries. Fries tossed with a generous amount of minced garlic. Petty yummy.

The best? Mayo.
But really, fries go with pretty much everything, even sweets (obv. not when the fries are too salty).

However, sweet potato fries are just very different. Treating them like normal potato fries and putting mayo on them really doesn’t work that well. Whenever I tried that, I just thought “this mayo would taste so much better if this was not a sweet potato”.

There are several varieties of horseradish sauce available at almost any supermarket. Here are two of my favorites, both go well with fries:

I’m in London now and have ordered chips three times. They don’t use ketchup or nothing. Can’t they give me brown sauce or gravy or cheese dip if they hate ketchup?

It’s just weird to eat boring French fries I’d rather have hashed browns.

One of the undocumented reasons the American colonies revolted.

Surely they offered vinegar? What kind of barbarians were you dealing with.

I’ve just spent a few days in Belgium and they really know how to cook some fries! I live pretty close to there (about 50 miles to the border), and I really can’t fathom why the Germans just can’t manage to reproduce those fries here. Just import the damn potatoes & oil and fry them here! But nope, even a shop called “Frites Belgique” around the corner manages to fuck it up. They just don’t have the same crunchy crust & soft potatoey insides (though granted, not ALL Belgian fries are awesome. Most are however!).

Anyway, regarding the original question: No damn mayo, ketchup or vinegar needed, just some salt (& perhaps a bit of spices/herbs in there), but thats it. You don’t need to drown the fries in any liquid that just overwhelms the yummy taste of the potatoes!

They’ll have every condiment available, but other than salt and vinegar, which is offered, you’d have to ask for it.

A place where I grew up, in the north of England, used to have some nice ‘chip spice’ on their fries. Never really knew what it was.

The best sauce for fries is clearly curry sauce. Indian curry or even Japanese (though I’ve never actually had the last on fries I’m sure it would be excellent because it’s so great with rice.)

According to my son, Wendy’s chocolate Frosty.

Has he… tried the Wendy’s bacon cheddar chocolate frosty fries?

Asking for a friend.

Oh I just noticed the malt vinegar in the table, I guess that’s what it’s for.

One more vote for mayo, though I really do enjoy tartar sauce, especially with sweet potato fries.

There’s a place near where I used to live in Seattle that would give you horseradish aioli with your fries and that was pretty fantastic.

Blue cheese dressing mixed about 50/50 with Sriracha. Come at me.

I dated a girl a a few years back who liked to have ranch dressing to dip her fries in. She also ate it on just about everything. She was the one who got me to start referring to it as the ketchup of the south.

I haven’t eaten French fries in years. My boss would be dismayed no one has said “truffle salt”.

I tried these today. Pretty good! Next time I might try spreading the sauce rather than dipping it because they crumbled a bit.

Also, they look at you weird if you order nothing but four potato cakes.

If there’s a table they are also morally obliged to provide ketchup.