Bloodborne - Demon's Souls Spiritual Successor's Spiritual Successor

Why did they make multiplayer in this game as difficult as possible.

Yeah, no kidding, this is impossible.

Well now I’m on layer three!

As per the rule of Soulsborne games, on the very next try after I asked for help:

I don’t know about co-op, but I definitely get player messages and spectres in the fixed dungeons

Right, you do if you don’t click off the “Shared Dungeon” box. I had been doing that until this one because I didn’t want any online complications in the previous ones. I didn’t know I could get player messages in the shared ones until I created one (this current one that I’m doing).

Well I’m gonna have that chalice soonish. Had to stop to make dinner.

I went to the boss with all my blood echoes AGAIN, just like with the last boss, getting cocky, thinking it’s no biggie, I’ll just kill the boss and then go to Hunter’s Dream. Nope. This boss is on fire.

Plus, on my second try onward, I noticed I didn’t have 24 health vials anymore. D’oh! What a fine time for that to happen. Oh well, I don’t feel like doing pigs for health vials right now, so maybe another time.

Chalice dungeon Rom is just the pits.

Edit: oh damn, there’s another layer.

Yea, the guys I watched did everything by password. Also Bloodborne seems to have limited areas for summoning. By that I mean you can only do it at certain points in an area and not at all in others.

Yes, the rules are not at all clear. There are plenty of areas before boss gates where ringing the bells is not possible. The entire Cathedral Ward is off limits for summoning until you open the 10k gate, either with the badge or by pulling the lever from behind. All in all, I feel comfortable saying the system is entirely inferior to the summon sign system from All Souls and I hope to god they don’t try bringing it or anything like it back for Elden Ring.

I am on floor 3 of the Phtumeru chalice… I really like them! Wandering around, killiing stuff, and there are enemies totally new to the game. I wish they would make a spinoff Bloodborne rouglike. Or somebody. Something like Spelunky, but the Souls 3D action… Is there something like that out there?

I just couldn’t get anywhere with the second boss yesterday. I eventually ran out of health vials and had to quit for the night.

From Software has made a boss here who is not good to fight when targeted or when not targeted. Either way the camera is a problem. And not just the camera, of course. Stupid Cursed dungeon basically means that out of 5 moves the enemy can do, 3 of them kill me outright if I get hit because I only have half hitpoints in this dungeon. So any mistake means death. The only real chance is if my summoned AI guy keeps his attention while I’m attacking, and I keep the attention when he’s attacking. We have to ping pong the boss, because once my AI companion dies, I can’t even figure out how to do ANY damage to this boss.

I think I’ll press on with the story tonight and try to finish the game. Now that I know the dungeons can be done in NG+ right where I left off, there’s no pressing need not to finish the story.

I hope the bosses to come in the story aren’t as hard as the one I was fighting in the dungeon or else I’ll be at it for a few more days past my self-imposed deadline! November is not a month for Bloodborne!

You will almost certainly waltz through them.

Hmmm, in that case, I won’t gather health vials first. Let’s see if I can do it without them.

Well, that was anti-climatic.

I’m not sure why you would pick the other ending option. Wouldn’t your character want to end the dream at this point and wake up? Why would you resist? And I wonder what happens if you do? Another boss fight, I’m guessing? In which case, I guess that’s a good reason to resist.

This kind of puts the really hard part of Nightmare of Mensis in proper context doesn’t it? I mean, basically the pigs weren’t that hard, and they were right at the end. So I think that’s why they put all those really hard enemies near the end, all the ones I ran past.

I watched the other ending on Youtube. I think that looks better! Much less anti-climatic too.

But are those the only ones? Ho, ho, ho…

What happened to the giant brain with eyes looking thing that I lowered into a pit? I guess that killed it. What if I hadn’t done that? The elevator shortcut could be missed. Though not easily. They make it pretty dang obvious. I found it in my run through even without messages.