Bloody Rally Show - The Love Child of Carmageddon and Death Rally

Fair, it’s not for everyone.

Friends, in about ten minutes, join me for more Bloody Rally Show as I play through more of the game and give away two copies!

So you guys I know I gush a lot about this game but hear me out, it’s achieved something, for me, that few games have.

Last night I had a bad run. Fudged several races in a row and had fallen far in the overall rankings (from like, 2nd to 6th). Usually when this happens in a game, I stop playing for a spell, hoping I’ll do better next time. Sometimes I’ll even restart a campaign or a session knowing I can’t win the current one.

Not with this game though, with this game I’ve kept going, and through hard work crawled my way back up to 2nd place in the overall campaign rankings. It’s amazing. Usually at times like this I just give up and move on, but not with this game. The progression mixed with the quick, varied and violent nature of the races is just perfect for me, and few other games have gotten me to keep going in such circumstances.

Anyway, just wanted to share. Still loving this game after fifteen hours, likely gonna love it for many more.

Oh, also, the dev has added some neat command-line features in the game. Like, I can easily run a giveaway now with it. So great.

Congrats on that 10seconds drift by the way.

Holy christ right? Never seen the like.

God dammit Bismark.

A couple of questions. Where does it say how much damage you have?

X fires weapons, it will say I have a weapon, like the fax, but I press X and nothing happens. There isn’t any graphic showing anything happening. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. What am I missing?

This is the first game I have got where ultra wide is not an advantage. The race info is mile away from the action!

Really fun game.

Theres a bar under your name in the upper right that shows your damage.

Some weapons don’t fire anything, like the saw or force field. Others are kinda hard to see, like the M2. If theres a yellow background on the weapon indicator, you’ve got ammo.

That’s because no one faxes anymore. Duh.


Wow, I set that one up perfectly. :-)

Ahh, that explains why I missed it, it’s very difficult for me to look over to the corner on my monitor. I just need to get used to the game.

On the weapons, I have had it happen a couple of times where the weapons just won’t fire. I wonder if my controller isn’t working correctly?

Possible, have you checked the button in the usb game controllers applet? Do you have multiple controllers connected?

Also, the dev wonders if you had a weapon with a cooldown, like a pedestrian cannon with 10 seconds between reloadable (if you don’t drive over a pedestrian to reload it)?

No other controllers and I will have to check the game controller app.

I guess it could be a timer, but the last time I noticed it were with the railgun and the fax. The fax weapons graphics are very obvious, so no way I just missed it.

I rarely game with a controller, I use the thing about once a year, so it could be I just need a new controller.

Yeah, please check the controller and let me know. I’ve also made the dev aware of the situation.

I’m pretty sure it’s that when I hit a button on the edge it’s not registering. I have been more careful about how I hit them and haven’t had any issues. That said, I should probably hook my Xbox 1 controller up instead of this old wired 360 controller.

Thanks for your help. Having a blast with the game, so thanks everyone for the recommendation as well.


I had this issue with two brand new Xbox One controllers and ended up refunding them both and switching back to my old 360s!

Goddammit. I was reading this thread with mounting interest until I realised the game is a roguelike. Aargh. Why does everything have to be a roguelike these days? Can you at least savescum?

It’s only really a roguelike with all the procedural stuff. I mean, you can’t save scum in the campaign really. But it’s a racing game, you usually can’t save scum in those either.

Also, the artist who worked on the game is commissioning portraits. I love mine.