Captain Marvel - The Marvel Carol Danvers one, not the DC Billy Batson one

Why are they just doing this now?

Who in the hell thought allowing them before release was a good idea?!

Amazon did the same thing, for years. I think they might have officially stopped allow that, but I am not sure.

It must be exceedingly bad for Captain Marvel for them to finally address the problem they’ve also had for years.

I don’t think it was reviews. It’s was some sort of ‘do you have interest in seeing this’ kind of thing. Still silly. But that’s RT.

Page views (or clicks or impressions or whatever it is these days), same thing that kept (keeps) comments sections going long after we realized they’re usually just a toxic waste of space. If you can wring another ad view out of someone by getting them to go one interaction further, you do it until there’s some public scrutiny.

There was also an attempt to review-bomb Star Wars IX. Disney was probably not amused.

I’m never going to understand that mind-set. I can - barely - understand getting riled up enough about a movie to spend the time to write negative reviews about it; I can’t at all understand the compulsion to spend time writing negative reviews about a film which hasn’t even come out and which - supposedly - one isn’t going to go and watch.

‘They’re making a thing which isn’t exclusively for me, how dare they invite girls and non white people into the clubhouse, and now I must soil my pants!’

Here’s a story from today about people leaving hateful messages for the young woman who voices an Overwatch character about how her character plays in game. In. Game.

I’m starting to wonder if the Internet, on balance, is actually a positive thing for society.

This reminds me that a few days ago I found a video being suggested to me on YouTube that was making fun of Rotten Tomatoes for this policy (which to me makes perfect sense - don’t let people “rate” movies that aren’t even out yet by using a silly “how excited to see this?” score) and as I watched I realized this guy has been featured elsewhere for being pretty hateful and pushing an agenda (Quartering I think his screen name was). But his comments 100% agreed with him, and some of them claimed it was his following that were trolling the RT site and got this changed. It was super gross, and there were just so fucking many of them. I’ll never watch anything of this again, and I won’t link it.

The voice actress? What heck? It makes no sense for them to go after her for game mechanics, then again, we had at least on Bioware writer they attacked years ago to for basically saying she liked writing more than games… well duh, she’s a writer. Commonality, they’r’e all women but nooo, bringing that fact up just brings out SJW stamps.

Self-described “gamers” on the Internet are by and large idiots. Remember Jade Raymond? Fuck 'em.

Hold up. Are we not supposed to call ourselves gamers anymore?

I’ve never been “allowed” to call myself a gamer.

I don’t recall her specific incident, but there have been a few. I am thinking, and I could be wrong, that the voice actor attack is kind of new.

A pretty woman who dares to have a position of power in video games? This cannot be countenanced!

Jade Raymond was, in some sense, the first casualty.
As producer of Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed , Raymond seemed omnipresent in 2007. Creed marked the beginning of an exciting new gaming franchise with a woman in its driver’s seat, and the industry became obsessed with both. Then a comic circulated on the infamous forum SomethingAwful, a haven of internet and gamer culture at the time, that depicted Raymond in a series of degrading, pornographic situations.

I heard she demanded an “I never have to talk to press or fans ever again” clause in her contract after the whole fuckery. Good for her.

RT has a summary of the reactions as well:

Brie Larson gets some praise (vis a vis our discussion here), the villain is getting some good buzz (usually a weak point in the MCU), and Goose the Cat is apparently the star of the movie. Also, the effects are apparently better in the movies than the trailers (which is a relief - the 3D trailers I watched before Alita was awful).

Nice to see the positive buzz, in any case. Probably yet another movie I’ll have to see this spring.

I hope it’s more empowering than The Shawshank Redemption but not quite as empowering as The Human Centipede.

And then I hope it does 50 million more over its opening weekend than Avengers Infinity War did in the same time frame.

I got my tickets for Saturday morning with the kids. I’m still very skeptical of Brie Larson, I haven’t liked her in anything I’ve seen, and she looks like a sour puss in most of the previews. Even on the red carpet she’s not smiling.

Marvel hasn’t let me down yet, though.

HAhahahahahaha oh wow, alright man.

Why don’t you smile more? You’re so pretty when you smile.

People like you more when you smile.


Dude she’s signing a book for a little kid dressed as Captain Marvel and frowning. I dunno what to tell you she doesn’t seem happy to be Captain Marvel.