Diablo III

Grats! I got a ringer in to help smash the rift in under 6. Even then it was close! ;)

Not one, but two conquests down.

Avarice is actually quite easy with the right gear setup, and fun too. For any Barbarians that are interested, I ran Wastes, all w/ +gold find, subbing Goldskin for the chest, Bul Kathos weapons, goldwrap, Maxed Boon of the Hoarder in Kymbo amulet, emerald in helm. I also ran Skull Grasp and Unity rings. Cube was furnace/mantle of channeling/royal grandeur. Total gold find was ~17k I think, on T10. This is easy peasy on the Not So Secret Cow Level, just spin to win and keep moving between groups. Nothing special in the passives.

I would love to get some help for the T13 in under 5. Similarly, I can help others with whatever. I have had 4 puzzle rings drop in the last few days, so I could host a Greed run too.

Hell Iā€™m impressed that I soloed a 50 greater rift with my monk. The rest of the Destroyer stuff is probably out of my reach without a group at the moment. I donā€™t even want to think about the conquests, but I really want more stash space lol.

Finished Conqueror tonight on hardcore. First hardcore character Iā€™ve ever rolled (invoker crusader) and all good so far. Iā€™m sure death is in the near future in the 70+ rifts but itā€™s been a fun ride to the stash tab.

Every time I play a game and realize the voice actor is the same as Morrigan from Dragon Age it brings me a bit of happiness. She plays the demon you get to kill in Act III. Morrigan has to be in my top 10 video game characters, along with Lee and Clementine from The Walking Dead.

Wow. Seriously. I played to 60 on an HC Barb at launch, but damn. Thatā€™s seriously impressive. As many insta-gibs as Iā€™ve suffered, seems like it would be tough to prevent that while maintaining enough damage to get stuff done.

Yeah, at the start of season 5 I ran a HC barb. 1st time died somewhere around 60. 2nd time died while trying to drop Malthael for Chapter 4 of the journey. Switched to normal after that. One of these days I might try it again.

So I started a Monk and got him to 70 and wasnā€™t really feeling it. So Iā€™ve gone back to my old standby, the Witch Doctor. Just hit 70 with him but since my Monk got the Season set, heā€™s rocking an assortment of yellows and a couple of random Legendaries/Set pieces. I can just do T1 with him as he stands (completed a Rift with 1 death). Is T1 where I should be farming to get the set pieces Iā€™m looking for? I think thatā€™s the case but I wanted to see if that was reasonable - itā€™s not smart to farm <T1, is it?

Going to try a GRift now and see how he fares. I think I shouldnā€™t have any issues with completing it in time but you never know.

Edit to say: completed a level 10 (T1) GRift with ease, so it seems this is a good difficulty for me (stuff dies fairly quickly and I donā€™t have a lot of issues staying alive). That saidā€¦ I feel like this is a stupid question but should I be doing Rifts or GRifts for gear? Is it bounties for crafting mats, Rifts for keystones and GRifts for gear?

For gears, do GRifts. The guardian guarantee legendary or set drop and the number of drop scales more or less with the GRift number. On top of that, you can upgrade the gems for completing the rift within the time limit boosting your capability. Do regular rift when you run out of keys and bounties when you need the mats for cubing legendary power or crafting items that require them.

This. And also you can gamble for your set pieces with Kadala.

Thanks to @sharaleo for running me through a bunch of TX rifts. He killed stuff, and I tried to stay alive (with varying amounts of success). While I didnā€™t get any set pieces I needed, I was able to upgrade a lot of my gear. So I can now hold my own somewhere between T3 - T4. So off to farm set items!

Also seems to me that you are better off using the cube to go for class specific weapons and off-hand items, so if you are looking for a fetish or ceremonial dagger slap a 70 yellow in the cube with mats and youā€™ll end up with something great much faster than gambling shards. I usually use the shards for armor pieces because they are cheaper.

I was able to craft a yellow into a pretty good ceremonial knife and I also put a socket in it so my weapon and offhand are in good shape. Still collecting set pieces though, but itā€™s going pretty well. Thanks for all the advice everyone.

The serendipitous nature of Diablo 3 amuses me. This season Iā€™ve been trying to assemble a Firebats build for my Witch Doctor. Since heā€™s my second seasonal character, he didnā€™t get the free set, so heā€™s had to crawl up the power spectrum the old-fashioned way. Well, Iā€™ve gotten 4 items in the Archyr set, but I need a few more assorted pieces for this to really work. So what does Diablo 3 do?

It gives me piece after piece for a pet build. My first half-decent pair of gloves was a Tasker and Theo. My second decent Voodoo Mask was a Mask of Jeram. While I still need a bunch of Helltooth pieces for a true pet build, those two items above (one cubed, one being worn) give my pets so much damage that they, plus my Spider Queen and the Fallen Lunatics and the Fetishes I summon sometimes all conspire to wipe the floor with stuff. While still assembling the set I want, Iā€™m running GR30 and T7 - I understand the endgame is still a ways from there, but my memories of gearing up in previous seasons reaching local plateaus around T4 when I was gearing up.

So obviously the Witch Doctor is OP! I do love playing a WD though, no other class gives me that feeling of comfort, regardless as to power level.

T7 without a full set sounds pretty good. One of the conquests I did was Gr45 (T10) with no set items, and it was a pretty tough challenge that took a whole lot of planning and gearing.

Keep gambling the pieces of the Archyr set you need and running rifts. You will get them.

The only 2 Slayer challenges I need still are the ā€œlevel a gem to 25ā€ (Iā€™ve got one on 24 right now) and ā€œset dungeon.ā€ Because I donā€™t have a full set of anything! Still enjoying it though.

Until you have really good gear, the Gargantuan build with Helltooth works pretty well. It easily pushes GRs into the 50s ā€“ i.e. without much effort. I havenā€™t played for a bit, but I think I have some extra Helltooth pieces (and probably some Arachyr, too), if youā€™re interested. I could pop on.

I would understand if you wanted to get them yourself, though.

I appreciate the offer but Iā€™m fine with just playing and getting the pieces as they drop. Besides, how could you trade stuff you got to me? Isnā€™t that not possible unless we are grouping and do stuff together and they dropped?

You canā€™t trade gear unless you were grouped when the items dropped anyway.

Iā€™ve somehow managed to get full sets on three different characters now during the season. The addiction is strong after not playing for such a long time.

I just need to squeeze in one more conquest of some sort for the stash space. I got invited to a group the other night that slammed out the cursed chest one. Not even a great composition, but we still managed to get over 400 kills on the chest event.

I havenā€™t really looked at the other ones much, so I donā€™t honestly know how doable they are. Iā€™ve done all of the journey alone except for one and the single conquest because I play at odd hours sometimes.