Diablo III

I don’t care about being the best. Someone who plays 24 hours a day is always going to beat me on the leader list no matter what i do.

All i care about is what choices i can make when i play the game. If i’m playing GR60 and all three sets work on that level, they are all viable to me. If i’m playing GR80 and my only choice is a single set, only one set is viable to me.

This has absolutely nothing to do with GR rushing or achievements. I just want to play the game and have multiple fun options that don’t artificially limit my play due to balance issues. If there are balance issues so that only one set works on GR80 and the other two are stuck at GR60, i want blizzard to work to fix that.

When someone says viable, technically they need to condition it, although hopefully people would give them the benefit of the doubt that when someone says something is not viable in diablo 3, they do not mean that you can’t complete normal story mode with it.

This doesnt seem like it should be rocket science. i know there are a lot of ultra casual people in any game, and only a small number of ultra hardcore, but i would say most gamers are like myself, and fall somewhere in between ultra casual and ultra hardcore.

The only reason i get worked up about it is because the ultra casuals actively try to stop games from being balanced or refuse to believe that a game isn’t balanced because something works on normal story mode. A non pvp game doesn’t need to be balanced to the 1% because we aren’t competing directly, but i still want relatively equal options to pick from, especially in an rpg.

You should find whatever screed that exists out there and is so very offensive, quote it, and then we can maybe work through it.

But right now I feel like I’m boxing at shadows, man.

I don’t know if I should spoiler tag this, but I’m going to take a risk and leave it bare: I still can’t believe they killed Decard Cain in Diablo 3.

Every Diablo game has been wonderfully different. Those cool charging enemies in the first Diablo? We never saw them again in 2 and 3. The Warrior, Rogue and Mage classes from Diablo 1? Never playable characters again. Those guys who said “Rocanichu” in Act 1 of Diablo 2? Unique to that game alone. Those guys in the crypts in Diablo 2’s Act 2 who raised the dead even as you were killing them? Didn’t see them again in Diablo 3. We did see the Barbarian class again, and now the Necro, but they play quite differently in Diablo 3 than they did in Diablo 2. The series has always been great about never repeating itself and doing new things with new classes, new enemies to fight, new systems that they put in place. Each game feels very different.

But one element that was a nice light element that got a lot of people nostalgic is Decard Cain. We saw him in all 3 games, and along with the main bad guy, he’s the common thread on the side of good vs the common thread on the side of evil that is Diablo. So killing Decard Cain, I don’t know, it doesn’t feel like a brave choice or even provide a moving moment. And now we don’t have that one element in common going forward, and that’s a damned shame.

How do you get into a PL group? Just join the community and go “Looking for PL, please?” Is that the same on consoles?

I’m still undecided where I am going to play this, I have just the base game on my Mac and never got past Act 2. I do have the PS4 edition but haven’t made any progress. I am tempted to get a few months of PS Plus and the Necro expansion on the PS4.

The cost comes out to close to the same if I get Reaper and the Necro on my Mac.

How is the multiplayer between the two versions? Are both decent?

“Sit, and stay a while!”

Sit, and stay a while!"

@thewombat needs an education

Ya, you got me. “Stay a while, and listen!” For some reason I misremembered it. Though I sure played enough D1/D2 that I should have memorized it by now!

Was just an excuse to post the song, which is amazing.

It’s maybe the greatest rap song evah.

So, did they bring the controller interface to PC? If so, does it work as well there?

I’m interested in d3 on the consoles, but how did they translate targeting to the controller? Like if you’re playing the necro and need to target a yellow in a huge mob of whites with your skeletons, can you do so?

Might find what you need here:


They do some kind of smart targeting. Usually they will target someone in the direction you’re facing. If there’s a whole bunch of people, I notice they tend to target the most powerful enemy. You can keep changing the direction you’re facing to change who you’re targeting and once you have the creature you need, you can lock on using the left trigger so that it doesn’t change again.

Generally I’ve never felt the need to lock on though. Their smart about targeting. I generally do want to go after the most powerful creature in the bunch.

Do you mean public games? On PC Just open your game to public, or start a new game open to public. The game will start straight away and if you don’t join an existing game, then over a (hopefully) short period of time, folk will join your game.

Options menu while in game:

Game settings menu when starting a game:

I imagine console is fairly similar.

He means powerlevelling groups.

Ah, in that case, if you are in the QT3 guild, hit up anyone that is online. If not, join a public rifts group and just ask if someone with a 70 will power level you. It is so trivial it will be easy to find someone who won’t mind towing someone to 70. It takes no more than 5-7 TX rifts - 30 minutes tops for anyone that is already speedrunning for gear/GR keys.

At this point, are more QT3 people on PC or Console?

Is that a rollcall?

Xbox One here. I own the base game on PC, but haven’t touched it since 2012. Same with the 360 version.

PC, because anything else is just wrong.

And my wife hogs the telly.