Diablo III

Did they ever figure out a way for Bowazons to be effective? I finally managed to get one in Hell difficulty, but on Players 8 mode, she just didn’t do enough damage to kill enemies. Their health regeneration was so high, that the damage I did was counteracted by their health regeneration unless I could keep firing at the same enemy for many minutes in a row. Basically I hit a hard wall of difficulty on Hell. She’s still alive mind you. Unlike most of my other hardcore characters, but she can’t kill anything.

Oh good heavens yes. Multishot was a top-tier build. Strafe was something approaching viable with the right gear IIRC, and Frozen Arrow could do hilarious things. I believe I had level 70+ of all three, but it was an awful long time ago and I may never have played Strafe that deep.

Mine had a maxed out Frozen Arrow. She could stay alive thanks to the Valkyrie. I had such a hard time trying to get my Bowazon to get through the second difficulty tier. At first all my Amazons were dying in that difficulty tier. And then I finally figured out that the Valkyrie was key to surviving. If I had a high level Valkyrie, I could survive, even in Single player on Players 8.

But on Hell difficulty, I could use Frozen Arrow to freeze huge groups of enemies for a few seconds at a time (freeze duration was severely cut down on Hell difficulty) but just couldn’t kill them. The main problem was that the bows in the game were really low damage. I never played on Battlenet or did any trading, we only played on a LAN among friends, so I didn’t even know trading was a thing.

It’s been a long time, but as I recall, you really had to have a Buriza and pretty much nothing else. I think Buriza was literally twice the damage of any other bow in game. Bowazon was a very very specific gear set to be effective, and amazons in general sort of suck until they are geared with BIS stuff. I had both a javazon (with titans something or other) and a bowazon that were 90+, and both pretty ridiculous. This was maybe around 1.09, or even before. No idea where it stands now.

Nah. Buriza was great for multishot but hardly required.

This build is just ridiculous, health bar never even moves.

Yesterday the achievement to take 6 characters to level 70 popped for me. Which is really strange. True, I took my Crusader to 70, finally. But in addition I had a Witch Doctor, Monk, Demon Hunter and Wizard to 70. So that’s only 5 characters. I feel like I cheated somehow.

My Barbarian in hardcore is level 6. I still need to get him through story mode so I can unlock Adventure mode in hardcore and get him to 70, and beat Diablo and Maltheil.

But how’s your DPS? What level are you able to Solo?

Looks similar to LazyStorm. Do you have a full build link?

My sheet damage is 1.2 mill, and that’s before any of the crazy ramping stuff kicks in. I can one shot T13 rift bosses. All I do with this build is get 15 stacks of bone armor and walk through the level. Most of the time I don’t even bother to cast decrepify or bone spirit.

I’m going to try and really get BIS rolls and gear for this I think, just to see how far I can push. This has never been a push build though, I was just looking for an easy farmer, this is about as easy as it gets for farming and leveling gems etc. Most push builds are centered around the big/long cooldowns, as they just out-damage everything else, that’s not really my intention.

Here’s the current build and gear. Funny thing about this is, most of my gear sucks, it’s not even close to optimized.

Pretty much the same build here.

Just looking for a decent Wisdom of Kalan; haven’t been able to find one yet. :(
Just (barely) finished a GR70 earlier this evening, so now I can finally get primal drops.

I briefly played with this build. Bone armor stacks? I thought it just renewed / refreshed. At least from the UI it seemed like that. There was a number next to it, but that was from the number of creatures affected it seemed.

2% damage reduction per enemy hit for bone armor stack, is one of the set bonuses. That’s why you run the neck that adds another 5 stacks. The stacks last 60 seconds, so once you get to 15 you are on cruise control with an insane damage reduction bonus. There is also damage reduction from several other sources, which is why this build becomes so ridiculous, you pretty much become invincible at any torment level. 1/4 of a billion toughness is a lot lol. That 1/4 of a billion toughness has 100% uptime as well if you want it. Without decrepify on something, I think I sit at about 150 million toughness.

Is that the set for the Necro for this season? Or is it a different set that’s not a season reward?

It’s the inarius set, not sure what the seasonal is, I just farmed my necro up from scratch as I had already gotten armor on another class. Farming sets is really pretty easy and fast.

No, the season set is Rathma. I don’t get where the damage is coming from. Yeah, there’s the main 6p bonus and a few other things. It seems fine, but not “1-shotting T13 bosses” unusual

The damage comes from a ton of different things, all multiplying. You have pain enhancer and toxin, which are being applied by the bone tornado, plus the damage of the bone tornado itself, that’s already about 3000% weapon damage, then you have a bunch of modifiers. Bane of the trapped, COE, Releinas, and Trang Ouls in the cube are all increasing the damage.

I’ll try to make a short video later.

The triple bonus from Kryspins is why you wear the blind helmet. Your aura of frailty counts as the first curse, and then if they get blinded it’s triple damage, as that counts as the second curse. The bone tornado will trigger that blind. You also run the enchantress as merc, because she does several different CCs which will also trigger the triple damage.

Yeah, I know that. That’s how builds work in this game. I’m not seeing where the “magic” happens as it were. Superficially, it doesn’t look extraordinary, and as you note, your crit rate and damage are quite low, so to be getting those kind of results…

If you look at how the damage is being multiplied it’s pretty easy to figure out. I haven’t sat down and done the math, because I’m not super min/max diablo player, I just know how stuff feels. I doubt this build is going to win any awards at how far or fast it can push, but for me, it’s exactly what I’ve always been looking for in D3, and that’s a really lazy farming build that is pretty much unkillable.

That applies to D3 in general. When you add up percentage damage multipliers, your raw performance goes through the roof. This leads to a dramatic difference when you get your sixth set piece with its % multiplier, and again when you stack with the right gems for another % multiplier, and the right legendaries supporting your abilities with another one %, and gear with the elemental damage type %, and so on.

That’s why monsters in torment 13 have 21 MILLION percent health, while torment 12 have “only” 10 million percent. Your performance skyrockets, and the difficulty settings increase to provide a challenge.

Before they changed the floating combat text to abbreviate it was getting ridiculous, you’d see like shit like “4,818,740,110” pop up from 10 monsters at once.

Just trying to look at all of the numbers, because now I’m curious.
Bone armor does 750%
Pain enhancer is 5000% over 3 seconds so 1666%
Toxin does 4400% over 10 so 440%
So your base damage is 2856% weapon damage per second, + gear bonus it’s about 3000% 12,933,000. (weapon damage is 4311). that’s being boosted by:
Blood frenzy (pain enhancer bonus) 3% attack speed for each bleeding enemy
Bone armor 6 piece bonus all damage increased by 2750%
Toxin bonus 10% damage from all sources
Reilenas gives you .5 damage for each essence you have (you’re always at full) so for me it’s 120%
Trang Ouls in cube gives you flat 200% increase to cursed (so always up)
Malediction 1% damage per enemy cursed
Bain of the trapped 27%
COE 171%
increased bone armor damage 25% from gear (this actually gets put in before the bonus numbers)
Increased phsy damage 20% from gear (this gets put in before the bonus numbers)

So without figuring in blood frenzy, you have 3288% increased damage. That’s without casting a single thing, just running through mobs. If you cast bone spirit it’s another 4000% weapon damage for burst.

None of this of course takes into account crit damage multiplier.

Some of this may well be wrong, as I’m not math guy for D3, but all I know is that’s it’s a lot and it hits like a truck lol.