Diablo Immortal - Stay awhile and pay on your mobile

True. Not very eco-friendly. If I didn’t separate my trash I’d get kicked out of my co-op so quick!

All I know is that people that buy discount garbage bags probably worship the Devil.

Someone got me some because I ran out once (worst “favor” ever). So they saved like a nickel per garbage bag for the low, low cost of potentially having fucking rotting garbage on the floor, my hands or potentially all down the stairs as I try to take it out when there is cat litter in it (because any weight over like 5 pound threatens to tear the bag and/or break the little handles).

Two things in life are never worth going cheap on imo: garbage bags and toilet paper.

With garbage bags the money you save is NEVER worth the risk of getting garbage fucking everywhere and having to clean it up. Ever. If you’re cleaning up half-rotted food and cat shit off the floor and then cleaning the floor… you’d pay $20 to not have to. If you’d paid like a buck or two more a month ago it would never have happened.

With toilet paper you get a miserable experience that requires using more paper so you don’t even really save money. If you by a 12 pack for $3 and have to use half a roll per visit, you were better off spending $10 on Charming Ultra-Strong, getting “24” rolls and each roll lasting a week or more.

Also, sushi.

And prostitutes.

Cheap food is a whole other thing, but no matter how poor you are, TP and garage bags are worth “splurging” for. You can choose not to buy gas station sushi, but you have to buy TP and garbage bags at some point.

I mean I guess if you live in the forest, wipe with leaves and just leave what refuse you have under a tree someplace you don’t, but you probably have bigger issues to worry about if that’s what’s going on than the price of things.

Did I ever tell you the story of my friend who pooped in the shower, rinsed his bunghole, then picked up the still warm poop in his hands and carried it to the toilet?

Moral to that story is TP is optional, if you’re a complete frickin’ psychopath.

An interesting perspective from the guy arguing against modus ponens.

Lawyer, accountant, IT person.

No, he’s actually an assistant professor, believe it or not.

What the hell is going on here???

You’re leaving out bidets. A good quality bidet can reduce your need for extraordinary TP purchasing requirements, not psychosis needed.

:O I loved Alto’s Adventure so damn much (my most played mobile game) and had no idea there was a sequel! Thank you, LMN8R!

This thread has literally gone down the toilet. Using science, logic, and mathematics, my objective review is that it gets a 6 on the 7-9 scale.


My objective review of your review is that you used 24 words and 3 numbers.

6.3 out of 10.

This is a story that never needed to be told. By you, nor to you. And if not told to you, well, now we’ve really got TMI.

I am glad @stusser clarified the poop was “still warm” because it helped me establish a time line.

Dunno if this has been already posted, but there’s an addendum to the foofaraw, sure to stir the embers. In a Q&A panel following the announcement, Allen Adham announced that Blizz developers are big into mobile games, and Blizz has their best developers working on mobile games. He also reassures us that there are multiple teams working on PC Diablo related stuff (just not their top men, apparently :) ):-

Uh – Question? I know I am usually the odd girl out - but – do people (meaning you all I guess?) really play mobile games on their phone? I think the answer is yes and I also think it ages me a bit. I mean – who would possibly look forward to a game they play on a iPhone? When do you even play that? Sigh I can already guess I am wrong somehow…

What would it be that Blizz thought was attractive to tell anyone that they had a diablo mobile game? I mean to keep it simple.

Mobile gaming is bigger than PC and console combined, so yes, people actually play games on their phones.

There’s a whole generation of people who have their phones with them at all times. Morning, noon, and night. They don’t go sit at their PCs and they hardly ever watch TV. Many of them don’t even own a TV.