Diablo IV - A Return To Darkness

On PC probably but people do still buy physical console games-- 10% of em. And their purchase is usually tied to the physical disc. So I expect they will indeed exist.

client might be done, but they probably have a lot to do on the backend still at any rate

It truly is a mystery why a game about hell and demons would want to launch on 6/6.

Iā€™m not saying there wonā€™t be some people buying it. Iā€™m just saying itā€™s not going to be a physical game in any meaningful sense. If your console isnā€™t connected to the Internet it will be a coaster. Itā€™ll effectively be a physical licence to download and play the real game, even on console. It might as well be one of those Amico RFIDs (except, you know, it will actually work).

At this point all disc-based games are pretty much that, tokens that say ā€œyou bought the right to download and play this game.ā€ They are artifacts of a bygone age, much like periwigs and whalebone corsets.

Except wigs and corsets are hawt.

True, except they allow you to resell after purchase.

On PC.

On console, theyā€™re not quite there yet, but theyā€™re getting there, and not getting much pushback from gamers, so it will continue I think. Halo Infinite, for example, the single player game, does not work offline if you just purchase the disc and put it in an offline Xbox. It also has the ā€œrequires internetā€ label like Diablo IV. Thereā€™s been a few console games like that now, and no pushback from gamers. John Linneman at Digital Foundry has been talking about it, but not many other people. Still, the majority of console games do ship in a state right now where you put the offline disk in the drive and you can play a game. But weā€™ll see how long that lasts.

Isnā€™t ā€˜onlineā€™ play gated behind the monthly subscriptions, too, or is that just the multiplayer side of things? Iā€™d say Sony/MS love the idea of games requiring online for pushing people to subscribe. Thatā€™s where a big chunk of revenue comes from, I expect.

Thatā€™s just the multiplayer side of things, for the most part, but it can get blurry. For instance, there was nothing multiplayer on Playstation that I wanted to play, but in order to see other playersā€™ messages in Bloodborne, you have to play the ā€œonlineā€ version of the game, for which you have to have a subscription. So eventually I paid the $40 to get PS+ so I could see player messages in my game of Bloodborne.

To be fair, it made a huge difference. Iā€™d never played a From Software game without other playersā€™ messages to help me out, and itā€™s amazing how much you miss without those messages.

Yes, non-F2P games need to subscribe to their online service to play multiplayer. All 3 consoles do this now. Originally Playstation and Nintendo tried to position their not charging as an advantage but years passed and they just couldnā€™t leave that money on the table. I just add it to the stack of many, many reasons why Iā€™m primarily a PC gamer.


ravenight, yesterday:

Brilliant. This explains why it didnā€™t come out last year.

George Dorn is still screaming.

Cool and also totally unsurprising.


Oh boy, another go at the beta? Iā€™m in!

But wow, get to level 20 in time to take on Ashava and kill it for a cosmetic, I donā€™t know about that. While I managed to be part of a kill group, I kind of doubt Iā€™d be able to get a character to a point Iā€™d survive and contribute to that battle, unless theyā€™ve changed Ashava somehow. Those first battles were not exactly an enjoyable 15 minutes of hitting, running,dodging, and avoiding massive special attacks. But, knowing me, Iā€™ll probably try.

At least thisā€™ll also update me on the changes so I can see what the sorc and necro play like with the nerfs applied and help make a day 1 choice at launch.

Any news on what the cosmetic (a mount it seems) looks like? Not gonna bother unless itā€™s cute.

I didnā€™t see anything about another new cosmetic for killing the world boss. Is this a beta exclusive or just for killing the world boss in general? If I have time I might try a Barbarian now that they buffed him up.