Dominions 5 - Born to be Van Wilder

The worst part for me was bringing the Augurs in. Or as many as I did. I should have kept some out of the communion. But… it does mean next battle, I’ll be dropping more specialised spells. And my other long awaited friends will arrive this turn. Still, I’m aiming to be positive this year, so despite the material losses, I’ve gained a lab, 100 extra gold per turn and 4 air gems. And I’ve cut you off from some admittedly low income provinces, but still, that would hurt your bottom line. And my Augur Elders in the cap can rest easy tonight now there’s no more seeking arrows!

Edit: Also, fireants are stronger than expected… That AP attack really is good.

Edit edit: Hmmm, fireants do poison damage, and the attack is armour piercing. And the Father of Winters has no poison resist. Oh goody goody!


First thing, I must apologize to everyone - i’ve been a little late in my turn submissions lately because…well, i’ve sorta been seeing this cute little mmo lately. I…think it’s just a temporary thing, and I’ll try to be more attentive and punctual with my turns in the future.

To a certain someone, you know who you are, the magic number is 8!

To my allies, I’ll just say that everything is going according to plan. I’ll have a more detailed message coming in game, but trust me and the plan.

And in general, a funny thing happened. Several turns ago i saw an effect in a province I own. I didn’t think too much of it, but sent someone there to search it out. They found a couple of sites, but nothing that explained what i saw. I didn’t think too much of it, but it stayed in the back of my mind a bit. And it still bugged me, so i researched it a bit and found there could only be like 2 things it could be that wouldn’t have been detected by my searches thus far. So, i was completing my turn and decided that even though i have extensively searched the province, i was going to magically site search it to see if I could find what it was…and voila, i found it! It’s not even that great a site, only a single gem, no tower, fort, lab, temple or recruitable - but still it was just neat to track it down from a random message several turns ago.

And Uber, thank you for the nice items, you’re like the frenemy that keeps on giving!

Don’t worry, I’ve been obsessing on an assignment, and realised late last night I still hadn’t put in the turn file. I guess I was not looking forward to the potential big fight, and mostly occupied with microcontroller shit. So I submitted the turn file, except I didn’t attach the file in my haste. Cue me double checking myself after I turned the computer off, and there’s the message from Llamaserver saying try again. So I turn on the computer and it wouldn’t turn on. Oh, that problem again. Long story short, drained the waterloop in the system, removed video card, popped out the CMOS battery, replaced them all, refilled loop etc etc. All at 2 in the morning so I could submit that damn turn.

it’s that kind of dedication that results in VICTORY :)

Other than failed seductions, have you won a battle? I guess you beat up some province defense.

This IS a thrones game isn’t it? And one with an apocalypse timer on it? Y’all do have a plan beyond kill your neighbor? I mean our last game was pretty much decided when I got 4-1 ganked in the early game and a clever player gained specific targets, cut his losses and proceeded to power to victory while his allies got mired down in a war they couldn’t win. If that’s your script, then for the life of me I can’t figure out which of you actually has a goal beyond trying to kill me. Good luck. Bring suntan oil.

I have the same question. I mean, if it weren’t for Rus poking me, I would have gone for the Spring Hawk throne a turn or two ago once I had the right spell up my sleeve. And then no doubt the Firesnake/Barb one after. One or the other. Now it is going to take many turns to rebuild again, but probably not as long as Rus.

I’m wondering if you’ve seen my bless yet. Maybe not or you would have already mentioned on the forums that you warned everyone of Ermor Sacreds :)

Right I’ve got an uncontrolled throne on my border with Caelum (well, what used to be our border which is shifting northward as my raiders rampage unopposed) and another throne sitting between Pan, Fomoria and I. And then there is the level 1 throne on the other side of me that Ermor controls. In other words…The difference between negotiating with me for the border throne and killing me is …access to a level 1 throne that somebody else owns? Really? It’s not like I’m gonna just roll over here guys. I’ve got sleeves and they are literally stuffed to the gills. The apocalypse clock is ticking and your pursueing vendetta for…access to hitting Ermor? What’s your goal here?

By the way…@Kolbex you are excused from the above rant. You were dealt a poor hand and are just looking to hurt somebody and there’s no shame in that. Given the lay of the land I was the best target. Your prophet is a really cool construct. Well done.

whether i’ve seen it or not would make no difference to that warning. doesn’t need repeating ;)

I’m so green I can’t even tell how poor my hand is! I am a little proud of my prophet just because last game I wouldn’t have even known to kit him out.

Did i say I did? All I did was thank you for the gifts you keep sending me.

And this is posturing in the face of hopeless odds. Are you asking yourself why you fought Niefelheim? Let me check the map…nope, that wasn’t for a throne. Why did you do that again? You did have 3 thrones on your border and you went after precisely none of them. And you do have those amazing thug chassis, and an unbelievable gem income - 18 gems on two provinces alone - But still you chose to blitz Niefel.

Early game, before I had much scouting, it was clear that myself, Ubar and Nief were tightly packed together. The fact that I had acres of real estate to my south has been… beneficial to me. But only me.

ugh, well that was an unmitigated disaster

Now you’ve got me afraid to open the stupid turn. Oh well.

Not so much a disaster, but it didn’t work.

I was wondering how long it would take before you tried it.

So what we have here is a FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE.

Caelum came in and easily wiped out Ubar’s capital province defense. Then Formoria came in, with his (blind) kitted out Fomorian giant, and a kitted out sorceress, and 78 glamoured, magic weapon wielding elite weapon psycho guys, and just proceed to wipe out Caelum.

  • Shadow Blast from Fomoria getting a large number of Caelumites.
  • Giant Eagles killing off a Sorceress in a single turn, then getting fried by Shock Wave (never seen it that effective).
  • Fire elemental (Conj 5) getting killed in one turn by 2 or 3 Nemedian warriors.

What I want to know is how did Caelum get a Vampire ? Or more? Is there a “A Vampire joins your army” event?

That’s a pretty good question. I seduced mine. Charm?

I, uh, blame, uh…someone?