Dominions 5 - Pretender to the Throne!

@Mellified if you have a national preference, I suspect we can wrap up that portion of the pregame pretty quickly.

I think I’m going to have to bow out this time. Some real life stuff has taken a big chunk out of my free time.

I think a lot of us are okay with delaying the game for a bit anyway (I should probably get my taxes done). I want to see what the next CBM patch brings.

Also, I’m playing with adding the “Better Arena” mod to the game. It creates more prizes for the arena, and I think randomly generates Arenas with different rules (the type of Arena is announced).

@Mellified, I just wanted to verify that you saw my message.

I did. Not sure what to say since there’re no specifics.

Sorry, I was referring to whether a delayed start might make joining the game a possibility.

Well, I guess we are on to @dfs pick.

I am going to try my hand with C’tis again. Maybe this time I’ll get it right.

Well, CBM makes your starting army better, so that is something.

Okay, I said I wasn’t going to do it, but I really want to play Jomon. Jomon is an under powered nation, but CBM gave it a bit of extra juice, so I’m a bit hesitant to try it, after Machaka though (which is why I was hoping someone else would pick them).

I will practice with the nation a bit, but if I find its too good, I’m going to switch over to TC. Fingers crossed.

Plenty of room if we have a straggler or two that would like to join in.

Evil_Steve - Vaettiheim
Kolbex - Atlantis
Mysterio - Bogarus
pyrhic - Arco
dfs - C’tis
legowarrior - Joman

So, an update to the mod will drop in Early March, so we might as well wait until then.

Sounds good!

So, a new update to the mod will drop in a few days. Then I’ll set up the game, and we’ll start maybe the 20th.

Anyone that was impacted by the changes to the mod can pick a different nation.

Okay, I know we had a long wait, but we are just about ready to start.

The update is in

Banefire Bow dmg 6->8, range 35->40, gains +1 prec

Water Elementals size 6&5 4->3 attacks, size 4&3 3->2
Ice Elementals gain cold power 1

Kithaironic Lion cost 5->4 gems, no longer a magic being

Draconians lose cold-blooded, attack 11->12, prot 9->12, gain taloned kick

Woodland Spirits only summonable in forests where they have entanglement+lifedrain and morale 12, only lifedrain and no regeneration outside, no homesickness anywhere

Lightning Rod autocast Summon Storm Power

Fixed Throne of Autumn still giving +Death scales

Fomorian affliction chances reduced Militia 60->50, Javelinist&Spearmen 40->30, Warriors 30->15, but Nemedian rpcost 27->35.

Statue of War discounted 20 for Yomi, Shinuyama and Jomon

Nushi serpent form homesickness 50%->20%

Hinnom’s Kohen gains adept sacrificer 1

Basalt Spear rescost 6->4

Siren gains 100% AW random, cost 130->150

Pretenders: size 5 titans made size 6 with better HP (generally 85 to 95) and sometimes strength, Nerid str 14->20, mapmove 16->22, Son of Fenrer gains claw, Teotl of the Sky gains flying

Indies: Nightmare enc 15->10, Blood Lord homesickness 20->10%

So, Skeleton Archers are better, water elementals a little worse. Kith Lions are now cheaper and easier to lead (and I think more updates will come in the future, but that won’t impact this game).
Draconians are now better, and Woodland Spirits are weaker but can leave their home provinces. They also have a different form in and out of the forest.

There are a few titan changes, but the biggest change is that Lightning Rod auto casts Summon Storm Power. You still need a Level 3 Air mage to cast storm though.

I don’t think any individual nations, besides the Jomon, were impacted in a way that is significant though, but you are welcome to change your nation if you feel that is necessary.

I’m good.

Atlantis forever!

So, some more changes came through in the newest version. Just some updates to make Giants better.

But I have decided that Jomon might be overturned, so I’m going to try my hand at Patala instead. I hope that doesn’t ruin the game for anyone.

I’ll have the game set up this weekend. The web page should have links to all the mods we are using, so remember to install them. If you need any help with installing them, let me know.

You can find the mod folder by opening the game, opening Tools and Manuals. At the bottom is “Open User Data Directory”

This folder will have it all. Any mods should be saved unzipped into the Mods Folder. Just put all the files in there.

When you design your pretender (after you have the mods saved), you can find them under savedgames/newlords. That is the pretender that you will send to llamaserver.

For the first turn, you will go back into the Savedgames folder, and simple create a folder. This folder needs to have no space and no strange characters. When llamaserver generates a saved game file, just save it in that folder (only 1 can fit at a time) and it will now appear in “Continue Old Game” under the folder name.

That is a briefest of run downs.

Sorry for the delays, I was hoping I would get this up and running last week, but the Ban Gods decided that I needed a 7 day ban, so it was delayed.

Oh, by the way, if you need to get in touch with me about extra time for the game turn, or about diplomacy, you’ll have better success in the Qt3 Discord. I’ll try to check this once a day, but my phone alerts me to messages from discord.

The game is all set. Click the link, make sure you have all the necessary mods downloaded, create your pretender, and send it to the server!

Good luck everyone.
For more details.

By the way, I don’t know if this needs to be said, but Punny, Funny, and/or witty names are encouraged. Leader Renaming is also on, so few free to rename your prophets as well.

I will try to find inspiration from the old theme song.

@Evil_Steve, @Kolbex, @Mysterio, @pyrhic, @dfs

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

This is supposed to be a LA game, right? After submitting my pretender, I received an email reply from LlamaServer stating the game’s set for MA:

I received a pretender file from you, but unfortunately your pretender file is for Late Age Bogarus, while the game ‘PretendersoftheEarth’ is set in the Middle Age. Please try again with a pretender for the Middle Age.

Details of your e-mail:
Subject: PretendersoftheEarth
Sent at: Mon, 29 Mar 2021 09:03:40 -0400
Attachment: late_rus_0.2h