Dominions 5 - There is no I in team, but there is in Disciple

I meant @Evil_Steve.

By the way, congrats on the new born @Baconsoda.

Oh yeah, if @dfs gets either @Evil_Steve or @Maerlande, we will stick with 4 teams, and he will crush us all.

I’ve asked Maerlande to join team “what’s that we’re doing?” I didn’t know evil_steve was available, but he has the second option. A game with 12 players can always use substitutes as folks drop out.

Okay, let’s see how this turns out. Hopefully, by July, we will have started.

Fingers crossed

all good. i’m getting my arse kicked in the other game and shadow empire, so plenty of grief on the plate. i can be a sub :)

Okay I found the thread. Lego brougth me here

I mean shit man. This forum has much pretty but less talk. Anyways I’m old school and play very hard. To the end.

Who is my team?

You are team 4, with @dfs and @Galdred. I will update the teams tomorrow with the new information.

Hey @dfs, got that last pick yet?

It’s close.

Is it a state secret or can you tell us what the finalists are? I am just curious.

Otherwise, no rush. Last minute team up and all, and I want you all to get it right.

C’tis or Neifel?
Caelum or Ermor?
Kailasa or Lanka?
Agartha or Mictlan…wait. that’s not right.

So, are we ready to start this soon? I just need that last pick @dfs, and we will start a few days after that (maybe a week, if people need it).

I don’t know why all the intrigue, they’re picking Rus ;)

Btw, while we’re waiting for them to pick Rus, have we talked about the diplomacy rules? Are there diplomacy rules?

I am open to changing it, but I am a firm believer that new player games should be based around binding diplomacy. No need to have past experience with players to understand whether you will or won’t be backstabbed.

But, that being said, I assume each team will have a team leader, that will direct diplomacy for the whole team.

I think the discussion about diplomacy is more complicated. With four teams it sets up three likely scenarios where it breaks down into: 2:2, 3:1 and 2:1:1. The problem is all of those scenarios suck. The first is polarizing, and the other two lead to gang-up scenarios. I’d argue the diplomacy rules for this should be: no diplomacy permitted.

That’s my opinion, and i’d be happy to discuss it at length sometime when i’m not deep into some otherwise poor japanese scotch.

No Diplo game huh? I can see the merit to it.

By the way, DFS is going to pick Niefelheim, because Ice Giants had that cool update recently.

cmon, dfs, i see you starting to type shit. Man up and finish that comment! ;)

Booo dfs…boo.

We’ve rejected all the early age nations and are deciding between Marignon and Gath.

I violently dislike no-diplomacy games, but I have no problem with the notion of making all communication public through this thread.

I’m thinking that it is the job of experienced players to try and explain what’s happening to those who have not played before. Part of that is diplomacy. My worst experiences were when I had unrealistic expectations of what my neighbors could do. Simply having somebody tell me…“that’s not very likely” or at least “trust but verify” would have gone a long way to managing my disappointment. That’s a long way of saying I understand the intent of “backstabbing not allowed” but I’m still not confident I know exactly what that means.

When I made peace with Machaka in the balance game was that backstabbing Na’Ba? From a certain point of view It surely was.