Dominions 5 - There is no I in team, but there is in Disciple

Here you go.

By the way, don’t forget to send the proper type of pretender/disciple.

If you are the disciple, send in a disciple, if you are the pretender, send in a pretender for a disciple game.

Which is the map to use?
The one in the OP, Floating Archipelago? or the last one linked in a dropbox folder?
Do we need to add it to the mod folder, or just getting the turn files from the server would be sufficient?

The one from the drop box folder.

You can just save it in the maps folder, next to the saved game folder in the Dominions Folder.

To avoid confusion, I would unsubscribe to the Steam Map, but that might not be strictly necessary.

Since I now own the game (thanks, 55%-off sale! grr…), I guess I’m obligated to join the next MP game. Now that I’m much older, though, maybe I won’t spend as much time planning my turns. :-)

Well, it might be it.

I think there are 2 games going on right now. One is approaching the late game, but it will probably be a few more weeks before it wraps up. And this game has just started, so it will be another 3-4 months before its done.

Disciple games are a bit of work to get started, it seems.

No rush!

No really? A “bit of work” :) Like a LOT of work to get a disciple’s game going.

It’s only the second time I organized a Disciple game. I figured it would be a July start.

Is it possible to have all pretenders in by say Monday night?

We have our pretenders basically done and can upload them all this wekeend

That’s up to everyone else. I should be able to get my pretender in this weekend.

Do we need a game name to include with the upload?

It’s on the game page.
Game: QT3Disciples

so you need to assign each team and its disciples/pretenders. Probably best if each team posts that here…

I might need a list of which nations are pretenders.

Like Agartha

Sorry, a stupid question. Which team picked Ermor?

That isn’t a stupid question. That is a very good one.

There should not be an Ermor in this game.

Just deleted Ermor.
So, that should no longer be an issue.

Somebody keeps putting in Ermor. I wonder if its a troll of some sort.
Oh well, lets just hope the final players put their pretenders and disciples in before they come back.

You know, just for the sake of clarity, can you please jump in the thread and let me know if your pretender or disciple has been added.

That Ulm is mine.