Dragon's Dogma

This game is now available on GOG, BTW, if you prefer your Dragons and Dogmas DRM-free (like me!). :-D

Holy cats

GOG is ballin

Yes it is. The last week on GOG has been too awesome. Fallout: New Vegas (and other stuff) and now Dragon’s Dogma DRM-free? Yes please.

That doesn’t really look any different, what are they adding?

So first Dragon’s Dogma, then Dark Arisen, then Dark Arisen Remastered? What’s next? Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen Remastered: Super Dragon X: Fighter’s Edition?

@Knightsaber did some sleuthing. This is all about the PS4/XBO version, it’s just the PC version now available on those consoles.

They should translate it back to Japanese then back again to English and rename it Super Monkey Dragon Karate Dead Car Arisen Remastered.

Sega are wusses, they stopped halfway through that.

Hahaha, I had no idea that even existed. Shame they stopped at the penultimate step.

: The Redemption: Part IX

I haven’t loved such an incoherently named game since Divine Divinity!

I’ve been playing DD:Dark Arisen lately and let me reassure you: This is a fantastic game. Odd how Western it is in general principle, but has that eastern undertone. And a dragon fight? Sweet mercy. Best dragon fights around. And I loved those DA:I dragon fights.

Odd game in many ways. As I play I may list a few.

/adding @richardlgaines to my good guy list, for he worships at the altar of a true master


Dragon’s Dogma Dark Arisen announced for Switch. I wouldn’t mind a reason to play through this again for sure! I’m probably going to triple dip on it, as I bought it once on PS3 (and then later bought the expansion), then bought it on PC where I enjoyed it but didn’t get back into it that time (having already played it twice on PS3, and now I may well grab it again. Such a cool game though.

Every time this pops up I want so badly for it to be an announced sequel. DD is by far my favorite game of its type.

7 years is a bit long in the tooth to just get a port. Is there any talk of remastering this a bit, or is it a straight port? I too really want to see a sequel…

The PC version was a remaster, so I assume this will be that version.

I’d love a sequel, and there isn’t anything here to say Capcom isn’t working on one or anything, so I’m just going to enjoy the classic once more!

I had a ton of fun playing this co-op with my daughter. We had lots of laughs auditioning pawns in the rift: “Want to be a part of our team? Not in that hat, girlfriend.”

We ran out of steam with the post-main-storyline stuff, but up till then it was great. Loved the boss battles.

It is so good.

I love the titular Dragon, he’s probably the most interesting dragon I’ve seen in any video game.

The story has a few other interesting quirks, but I guess most of them are spoilers.