Duke Nukem officially dead? 3drealms closed down?

I promise you that it will be continued sometime in the future. When it is, I will bump this topic and laugh at all of you for ever doubting DNF.

Did Not Finish.

3D Realms is the type of company that is supposed to go down in flames when easy credit and funding dries up. Five million dollars is a huge amount of money, especially to “finish the game”.

It sucks for the employees but the guys in charge don’t ever deserve to work in gaming again.

So they’ll probably end up somewhere pretty fast.

Maybe Infinium needs new blood?

No, it really doesn’t. There’s not a person there who didn’t know what they were getting in to. They just helped perpetuate the cycle.

Okay, then it sucks for their families.

What? You don’t think I can asshole that up too? You don’t know me very well!

Oh, I have complete faith in you. I just want to see you in action.

“Welcome aboard, Ed! You’ll be working on the crown jewel of the 3D Realms Empire: Duke Nukem Forever! Welcome to our product meeting.”

*A door swings open, revealing a gigantic ballroom done in the style of a French Palace. It holds an insane baccharian ball in full swing. GEORGE BRUSSARD sits upon a gilded throne while a MIDGET holds a MASQERADE MASK over his face. *

“Welcome, my friend! Welcome to Duke Nukem…FOREVER!”

This thread is already more fun than the game woulda been.

Well, that’s too bad. 3D Realms (and Apogee) were responsible for many of my favorites back in the 90s. I’m sorry to see them go out the way they apparently have, but I’m also quite surprised it didn’t happen sooner.

I am neither happy nor sad about this news, if it turns out to be true. While the early Duke Nukem games were fun at the time, this sort of end to the project was always completely predictable. The team at 3D Realms has never done anything to prove they are capable of making even a semi-modern game (Max Payne, Prey and other titles driven by development from outside studios do not count, even that Duke Manhattan Project game was external).

3DR hasn’t even released a new game yet that natively runs under Windows (any version), to put how far back their glory days are in to perspective.

Gamasutra says the same.

I see a truthful recount of this as a film/documentary or book being obstructed by legal challenges, but I wouldn’t doubt a “fictional” version achieving some success.

According to wikipedia (so it must be true), they haven’t developed a game to completion since 1997 – Shadow “You no mess with the Lo Wang” Warrior. Can that possibly be right???

with any luck they will release the DNF development builds and let the community go nuts.

Hey, look what’s on their website!

A royalty-style bonus? That sounds like Epic’s plan. You’d be stupid not to do it!

RIP 90’s era Apogee
Screw 3D Realms.

I like how they haven’t changed their website layout in almost a decade.

P.S. The job promo on that page is a little depressing.

Vaporware developers also evaporate.