Eldritch Horror play by forum

My two moves will be heading to space 7 and then on to San Francisco, en route to Tokyo to try and clear some monsters (and maybe getting a lucky Observation boost in SF on the way).

To clarify, how are you doing this? You can only Travel once per turn. Your special action would let you move one segment of rail and then take a different action that can be Travel if you haven’t already used it), but there are no rail connections to Buenos Aires, and using your special from space 7 would only get you to space 6…

I assume you’re Preparing for Travel (buying a ship ticket) and then Travelling with the use of the ship ticket, which would be legal. But you gotta specify. :)

Yes, that!

(I was thinking of my extra move for going on train tracks, but obviously you’re right…that wouldn’t work).

I go visit Derek at LIT (Lost in Time).

Ummm…did you want to do a trade action with me for the Blunderbuss before you move out of the space we’re both on? And shouldn’t @triggercut be doing his actions first?

Sorry, I’ll post my actions shortly. Still need to finish a few things at work.

@ironwulf Right, forgot about that trade. Still, I thought that a trade uses the trader’s action, not the tradee, and I’m pretty sure that my turn is after your turn, so we should still be OK.

OK, I kind of like Istanbul, and I’m not yet prepared to fight a monster that has a toughness higher than 1.


First action: Let’s open up that Necronomicon and get some spells and go a little crazy.

Second action: And then let’s have a little rest and get a little sane.

Unless something happens to change the layout of Istanbul, I’ll be doing a standard encounter there, maybe even bump up influence.

Either party to the trade may use it as an action I thought. When we do the trade however, I’ll trade you both the Blunderbuss and a ship ticket so you can still do the same move action. My first action Rest somehow miraculously cleared my Despair condition, so the extra ticket I took as second action was in anticipation of trying to head over to Carolyn for help in that, and I can put that off for now.

Yep, either end of the trade can initiate.

Expect an Encounter Phase after I get back from work today. If there’s anything more to iron out about trading etc, now’s the time.

Lore test for the Necronomicon: Lore is 2, plus 1 from Markings. 3, 3, 3 Markings reroll 1 No spells, no Sanity loss.

Rest refreshes you + spawns Clue at San Francisco.


Sefina Rousseau
Buenos Aires Encounter (City)

Call the Storm (Spell) - Ritual: Action: Choose a Monster in your space and test Lore -1. If you pass, the chosen Monster loses 3 Health. Then flip this card.

@ironwulf, Agreement or Lore check? (You would be rolling 2 dice with the option for up to 3 rerolls, 1 effectively free due to the Memento.)

Carolyn Fern
Istanbul Encounter (City)

But you have no Resources.

Ashcan Pete
@charmtrap, Since there is now a Clue on this space, do you want to do a Research Encounter or a San Francisco Encounter?

Agnes Baker
Lost in Time and Space

Strength is 3, -1 from test. 2 die test, blessed. 5, 4

@Brooski, where do you want Agnes to be?
Lost in Time and Space discarded.

Put me in San Francisco.

@malkav11 I may as well try for the clue.

I will do the Lore check please

Sefina Rousseau (continued)
Lore is 4 -2 for test. 2 die test. 5, 2
Relic Unique Asset gained.
Perplexing Idol (Unique Asset) - Item - Magical Relic. When you gain this card from the deck, gain 3 clues. Reckoning: The idol’s features seem to fluctuate as the stars move overhead. Flip this card.
I’m nervous about what might be on the flip side of this given that Pete has an idol that seems identical except it gives 2 fewer clues.

Ashcan Pete
Research Encounter (City)

Will is 3. Activating Practiced for +1 die and 1 reroll. 4 die test. 6, 5, 2, 1

@charmtrap, apply this Clue to the Mystery? (would put it at 3 of 4)

Agnes Baker (continued)
Agnes appears suddenly in San Francisco.


Spawn Clues
Clue spawns in space 16.
Clue spawns in space 9.

Resolve Effect

Ongoing - Rumor (4 Eldritch tokens)
An Asset cannot be placed in a space of the Reserve that contains an Eldritch token. After an Investigator performs the Acquire Assets action, they may spend Clues equal to the number of Eldritch tokens on this card in order to solve this Rumor. Reckoning: Discard 1 Asset from the Reserve and place 1 Eldritch token from this card on that space of the Reserve.

Game State End of Turn 4

Green: Tunguska
Blue: Tokyo
Red: The Himalayas

Werewolf (Space 17): Toughness 2. Horror check = Will; damage 1. Combat check = Str; damage 2.
Physical Resistance (you can’t apply dice bonuses except from Magical possessions and Spells)
Reckoning: Move this monster one space towards the nearest investigator. Then each investigator on this space loses 1 Health.
Dunwich Horror (Arkham): Toughness 8. Horror check = Will -1; damage 3. Combat check = Str -2; damage 3.
Reckoning: Roll 1 die. If the result is less than or equal to 4 (number of investigators), spawn 1 Gate.
Cthonian (Heart of Africa): Toughness 4. Horror: Will -1. Dam 2. Combat: Str -2. Dam 3.
When this Monster is spawned, move it to the Heart of Africa.
Young Cthonian (Heart of Africa): Toughness 3. Horror: Will -1. 2 dam. Combat: Str -1. 2 dam.
When this Monster is spawned, each investigator on this space or an adjacent space loses 1 Health and 1 Sanity.
Hunting Horror (Rome): Toughness 3 (2 Health remaining). Horror: Will -1. Dam 3. Combat: Str. Dam 2.
Reckoning: Move this Monster to the nearest space containing an investigator. Then an investigator on that space immediately encounters it.
Honored Dead (The Pyramids): Toughness 3. Horror: Will. Dam 2. Combat: Str -1. Dam 3.
When this Monster spawns, move it to the Pyramids.
Reckoning: Roll 1 die. On a 1 or 2, the nearest investigator gains a Cursed Condition.
Deep One Hybrid (Tunguska): Toughness 1. Horror: Will. Dam 1. Combat: Str -1. Dam 1.
When you defeat this Monster in a Combat Encounter, lose 1 Sanity and gain 1 random Item Asset from the deck.
Leng Spider (Tokyo): Toughness 3. Horror: Will. Dam 2. Combat: Str -1. Dam 2.
If you fail the Will test, do not resolve the Strength test and you do not resolve any other encounters this turn.
Cultist (Tokyo): Toughness 1. Horror: None. Combat: Str -1. Dam 1.
Reckoning: Spawn 1 Goat Spawn Monster or 1 Dark Young Monster on this space. Then, if you spawned a Monster, discard this Cultist.

Mythos Cards (Ongoing/Rumor):
Moved to Boston:
Ongoing - Rumor (4 Eldritch tokens)
An Asset cannot be placed in a space of the Reserve that contains an Eldritch token. After an Investigator performs the Acquire Assets action, they may spend Clues equal to the number of Eldritch tokens on this card in order to solve this Rumor. Reckoning: Discard 1 Asset from the Reserve and place 1 Eldritch token from this card on that space of the Reserve.

Doom: 10
Omen: Left Blue
Active Mystery:
(3 clues of 4)

Investigators: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wvWdknRhHlEM2wpPa1EwfkMCP_l6bzDMveCANMQrsZM/edit
(Should be up to date as of this post, let me know if not.)

Asset Reserve:
[3] Silver Twilight Ritual (Asset) - Service: When you gain this card, immediately retreat Doom by 1. Then discard this card.
[3] Monster Hunter (Asset) - Ally: Gain +2 strength during Combat Encounters. Action: A Monster of your choice on your space loses 1 Health.
[3] Enchanted Jewelry (Asset) - Item - Magical Relic: If you would lose Sanity, you may spend 1 Focus to prevent the loss of up to 2 sanity.
[1] Bandages (Asset) - Item: You may discard this card to prevent an investigator on your space from losing up to 2 Health.


@triggercut is Lead Investigator for this turn.

Okay that was a pretty damned good spell I just got in Buenos Aires. With a decent Lore I can actually deal with some 3 or lower toughness monsters without combat if for some reason I need to discard my Shroud.

Also, if I am reading Carolyn’s personal story correctly we only need 1 more clue to get acquired for her to complete it. I have 5 clues and Ashcan Pete has 2. Of course I might pay a high price for all those clues when my Perplexing Idol card flips…