Escape from Tarkov - Online first person action RPG

There is a learning curve to tarkov. Once you know how to find gear and get money it’s not too bad really. It is hard to jump in end wipe sometimes. Labs gives away good gear like crazy though. If I suggest anything it’s go on labs and get raider gear they can spawn all sorts of end game stuff.

There is going to be off raid healing yeah. It honestly shouldn’t be that bad. The grizzly has 1400 healing points and I’ve been literally swimming SWIMMING in ifaiks and we started playing maybe 4 weeks ago to prepare for the patch. Raiders drop so many ifaiks on labs. And the hideout will allow you to boost your pmc healing time

I havent played much labs due to those nasty raiders and their laser accuracy, especially since im undergeared and they tend to quickly kill me real quick. I really need to go in offline mode there to learn the map.

So far i have been doing mostly runs at the interchange map since i can sneakly kill other players there :p

The raiders are rough at first but they can be easily killed with some low gear. My favorite low gear raider killer is the pp19. Then I play gun game and keep upgrading with stuff I find on raider kills.

If you get them to run at you thru a door or around a corner you can aim for headshote and take them out. The ai isn’t really that sophisticated so once you kinda “get” them it’s mostly about avoiding players. Of course, with the pre wipe events going on right at this moment, every map has raiders everywhere… If you haven’t tried it, factory scav is a truly terrifying experience with like 25 raiders running around lol!!

Update this sunday!

So wait, this game has been in development since 2012, available in closed beta since 2016, and now in 2019 it is about to be at version 0.12?

Do…do they ever plan to reach 1.0? I remember being excited by the first gameplay trailers they showed, and wanting to wait for finished game, but that seems to be somewhere far in the future I guess.

It does seem like a perpetual beta, yeah, but the game is pretty much fully playable as it is, though whether it’s worth full price at this point is another question. Depends on your tolerance for hardcore Russian shooter stuff I guess. It is rather unique.

You can either play Tarkov, or Stalker Anomaly (like the offline free version).

I love Stalker stuff, and have played bunches of it. Tarkov…is different, because the challenge is other players who are frickin’ ruthless.

The future plans for the game are crazy ambitious and they have delivered extremely well so far. I say let them be.

if you are waiting for 1.0 you will be waiting at least 2 more years likely more. tarkov is very developed and id say jump in if you wanted to. I’d say its ABSOLUTELY worth the 145 for the full edition in its current state tbh but I love tarkov

Update is out now. Servers are mega slammed. Would suggest waiting for a few days if you are new / casual player tbh.

“Please note that even after this long-awaited update, the game is not yet completely fixed, problems are not fully eradicated, there still may be some freezes and bugs, and we still have some optimizations to do”

Those who are able to launch the game are reporting even worse fps than the previous version, for this patch that was all about performance. This is something that they aren’t going to fix even in 10 years.

The game has more chance improving performance because people buy new hardware than them figuring out the code. Unity isn’t going to work for them.

Either that or they outsource to some company that can handle the technical things.

It also seems it will take some time before the game is playable again, reading reddit. Right now servers hammered and lots of game breaking problems (beside bad performance).

I couldn’t play all day, long matching times and never connects.

Here to report the situation is a little better

Performance wise I don’t know if it’s improved, but it isn’t good. In the Customs map I still lose 10 fps if I aim with a weapon with no scope, it just makes no sense. And got drops down to 30 fps on the bridge. With settings medium/high, and a standard 1080p and gtx 1080. Also getting a lot of mouse lag.

The stuttering might have gotten better, but it’s still there. I also got a problem with framerate seemingly going bad, but my fps monitor not showing any problem. So I suppose problems about frame pacing. It still feels very rough.

I’ve got this game for what, two years? Until today I’ve never even attempted an online match. I just don’t even bother trying because I never managed to survive ONCE in a offline game against bots. The big problem is long range shooting with crap weapons with no scope, very high recoil, very poor feedback, very bad visibility, and very clunky controls. It’s very, very hard for me to aim, and while the AI is braindead, once they see you they shoot quite well. Add in the damage in this game that makes everything blurry and makes you move super slow, and it’s easily explained why I get nowhere.

Oh, the newest change is that if you get killed not only you lose all your inventory, but now there’s offline downtime too. It wants you to spend healing items “offline” as well, or wait. I don’t know how much it takes by default.

For the first time I tried three matches online. As the standard “NPC” only, just not to risk the one weapon I have. Just the factory map that is the only level that I know where’s one exit. The first time I thought that if I hid in a corner and just wait till the end I could still recovery my inventory. But nope, it seems to count it as if you died.

The second time I also waited till the end, and then reached the exit. Everyone was already dead by then. I simply looted the leftovers no one wanted. But it was still kind of nice bringing something back and have at least one more back up weapon.

The third time I got to collect more stuff, killed two bots. But I think a third killed me. It was too dumb to be a player. I’m just very, very, slow to aim and shoot. And you often spawn with weapons that are very bad and single shot (not that auto would be much better, with that recoil). It’s already super hard to kill a single bot for me, I don’t think I’ll ever manage to kill a player, unless I get very, very lucky.

But I didn’t have problems in the way of servers/instability. Just the usual not very smooth performance and movement that feels like going through thick marmalade (that I might even like, considering it promotes tactical action instead of Call of Duty).

I think fullscreen isn’t working, so vsynch cannot be disabled, and with it the mouse lag delay/smoothing is quite bad.

They seriously need to throw some bones to casual players. I don’t know how. I’m not a good player, I keep complaining how Destiny 2 is too easy to even be fun. Tarkov instead isn’t simply “hard”, it’s downright inaccessible. Maybe they should remove the timeout for playing those NPCs.

In case you didnt know, you wont get shot at by the AI if you play as a scav. Unless you shoot them first that is.

I absolutely love this stuff:

If anyone wants to have a laugh, DrDisrepect is trying to learn the game on his own right now.

Also Tarkov has been the most streamed game on twitch for the last couple of days.

They are doing a drop event right now if you link your accounts.

he is pretty hard to watch tbh as an experienced player,haha, so many mistakes. he needs a person to come on and help him navigate lol.

got a friend who is only 3 quests away from getting the kappa container. pretty amazing.

I cringe everytime he reloads and drops the mag on the floor.

I’m still struggling at doing the punisher pt6 to get my epsilon, im average at shooting and this quest is forcing me to pvp so much hah

I have not played in so long, I think when I do go back I’ll have to relearn everything.

The most difficult part of the game is understanding the 3 million bullets types for each weapon, i still have to check an excel with all the ammos to know what the hell is the difference between them.