EVE Online character questions

Charles - ok, but I don’t understand. If you enjoy running a mission, then why not run it and get a higher reward just by training up a skill or two? It doesn’t affect how long the mission takes - it is exactly the same mission - so I dont really get the whole “run it 3 times” business. I’m not talking about easier vs harder - you’ll be doing the same mission but with certain skills you’ll just get more cash for it. Sure, if you do it 3 times, you’ll get 3x the cash… but that’s true with skills trained up as well. I think we’re on two different tangents so never mind :)

Calistas: The amount of time I spend going through QuickFit and trying to come up with cheap variations of ships is insane. Incredible depth.

Re: Looting, I have a Stabber fitted with expanders, an MWD, and a bunch of tractor beams for fast looting on level 3 missions (I rarely need more space than that). I do the missions in a Retribution at the mo (Amarr assault frigate) so cargo space is a bit small for combat-looting.

Oh, before I forget… do any of the QT3 “newbies” not have the cash to buy the basic learning skills? I’m happy to donate as they are utterly crucial.

BTW, I LOVE the character creator for this game - the problem is, I spend so much time tweaking character appearance, background, outfit, etc. that my connection times out by the time I settle on a design and click to proceed with character creation, and I end up losing the character appearance design I just spent the last half hour or so on.

Does anyone have a working link for that BIG chart that displayed all the types of ships in EVE with accurate relative sizes? I’d like to use it to see what all the factions’ ships look like. I made a Minmatar character yesterday but couldn’t get over the industrial-scrapheap style of jury-rigged-looking ships that they use. I like my Caldari character but the ships are a bit vanilla-looking, and I made a Galledon (?) character and thought the ship design was much more distinctive. I’ll probably take a look at the Amurra (?) ship designs by making a character for that.

Interesting in that the game only lets you train skills for one character on your account at a time. This makes it impossible to progress in the tutorial for any of your alts while you have another character currently training anything. Odd, somewhat frustrating design decision. It basically makes me skip the tutorial entirely for any alts I make.

Anyway, the game is very cool, but very daunting to the new player, even after going through all the tutorial stuff (which honestly seems to take about 3 hours of real time, by feel).

Gallente - French, dontcha know. And yeah, their ships do look nice (as do some of the Amarr ones). Caldari and Minmatar are an acquired taste.

The tutorial for a game like this does need to be pretty long and take into account a lot of different things. There’s entire areas of the game I have utterly no idea about, and I was playing the damn thing back in beta :)

Is the picture you wanted.

I wish there were ship nametags associated with that image.

Oh, I know that. I agree, might as well run it with a higher reward. Just saying that for the mean time, while I prioritize some other stuff, it’s not that big of a deal. I can just kill more stuff.

Nice to come across someone else who appreciates the virtues of the Moa! I adored that bloated railgun platform until I tradedup for the Ferox. Even mentioning an appreciation for the Moa is the equivalent of heresy in Caldari circles these days - missiles and caracals is the dogma of the state, it seems. I have to admit, I’m starting to succumb to their charms, myself - I’ve currently got my Ferox configured with five heavy missile launchers and two small rails (for interceptors and the odd frigate), and the explodey death is awfully delightful.

This is a slightly older image, without the Titans from the RMR pic, but it has everything else, with nametags. http://www.deadbored.net/qt3/Ship_Chart_4096_With_Big_Names.jpg

Hmm, I really like the design feel of the Amarr and the Caldari ships (I guess the Caldari designs get cooler past the first few little frigates I’ve seen), so I think I’ll make an Amarr alt to my Caldari main. I think the smaller Gallente ships are nicer looking than the larger ones, and the Minmatar ships are just ugly all around. What’s up with that giant vertically-oriented ship? Or that one ship, the Mammoth, that looks like it was cobbled together by welding 5+ different ships end-to-end? I guess playing Minmatar could be cool if you want to feel like a Firefly-verse Reaver or something, flying around in some sparking, ugly, patched-together wrecker with exposed works and wiring. But aesthetically, it does nothing for me. And since you’re looking at your ship for the entire game, I’d rather not have it be a Minmatar scrapheap.

I roped another free trial (one of the things Eve does very well–there’s always a free trial running for it somewhere) and this time the tutorial really just clicked with me. So I figured, what the hell, and ponied up. Currently playing a Gallatian Intaki, name of Alavaka, who still has no idea what he wants to be when he grows up. Which is fine thus far because mostly I’m putting time to growing his brain even larger.

The Buddy system allows any of us to give any of you a 14 day free trial, I believe.

When I get a chance I’ll chuck some isk at people to get you started.

Cool, I’m sticking with my Caldari Achura Monk so far, Arashimaru, although I might end up swapping mains/alts with the Amarr character I plan on making tonight, depending on how I like the Amarr faction/aesthetic. I have a Gallentean Jin-Mei named Shanghai Kai, but I don’t think I’ll stick with him long term.

Stop it! You’re making this sound interesting. I have no time for another MMO. Go away!

Yeah, this is my problem. I was splitting time between my Moonrunner Drop Bear WoW Druid and my Chromaggus WoW Pwnie and GalCiv2, and now I’m willingly throwing EVE into the mix. Considering I might have 4 hours of game time maximum at night, this doesn’t bode well for the mix.

I just reactivated… Dewa, Gallente BS pilot and sometime hauler/miner. I remember I was pushing for Assault Frigates/Cruisers before I let my sub lapse and have restarted that… I’m happy to help anyone out, although the game is super solo-friendly.

Guys, don’t forget that any character can train any skill (with pre-reqs) so if you like the look of gallente ships but want a caldari character, it’s no problem. Very few characters stick to one race - there’s no penalty for branching out. My minmatar flies primarily amarr stuff these days…

So, pick the character with the stats and the look that you like :)

At least you don’t have to -play- EVE. There are at least 60 days of training learning skills up I believe, before you even tackle skills for kilz0rating stuff :D

…And yeah, the tutorial is EXCELLENT. Really really well done and detailed compared to the previous effort I tried (at game launch).

Also, I’m tempted to leave my home area behind now i’ve completed the first 8 story missions (and got the implant). Will that in any way gimp or limit me? I’m not keen on leaving if I’m going to miss out on stuff, but I’d quite like to join some guys I met in a local corporation (as in Kiwi/Aus).


Just try avoid low security areas and make a snack :)
If you see any body flashing red. RUN.

Calistas: Everyone should explore, if you ask me :)

Can players from different factions belong to the same Corporations/Guilds?