Everspace 2

With only a couple of hours of each under my belt, I can confirm that the VO in Everspace 2, as janky as it is now, is still miles ahead of the awful VO in Starpoint Gemini 3.

SPG3 by far, no contest.

Star Point Gemini 3 wins this race every single time, unfortunately. I have never been so disappointed by a sequel as in this game. DAMN! I am still sad about it.

Agreed y’all, I still feel pain at just how bad SPG3 ended up being.

They should do a separate kickstarter.

ACG seems to like it already.

Mighty quiet in this thread the last 8 days.

This looks fantastic and I am tempted to break my non-EA policy as I have been fully in the mood for a good spacey game lately and haven’t really played one in ages.

Odd, as there have been many, many great space games over the last several years.

Arrrrgh, I hate that term “space game”. Especially the way you use it, where it usually means strategy game set in space. Freezer is taking about a space game similar to Everspace 2’s action space simmy type game, which is usually not what you use the term space game for.

It’s one of those things where I get stuck in the paralysis-by-analysis loop and it usually takes something extraordinary for me to break out of it:

  1. Hey, I love space and really want to play a good spacey game!
  2. Wow, there are a lot of good looking spacey games, which one should I choose?
  3. Research spacey games
  4. Research spacey games
  5. Research spacey games
  6. Try to decide which one to buy/play vs. what I already own in my backlog vs. what looks engaging but not too hard to learn due to limited gaming time
  7. Agonize over decision
  8. Agonize over decision
  9. Agonize over decision
  10. Go back to playing a familiar game that I don’t have to learn from scratch

I like strategy space games as well as more space simmy games or other spacey games with a strong space theme as long as they are in a genre that I generally enjoy.

Gotcha, that’s actuwlly damned fair.

To be clear, when I say “space game” I usually mean a game wherein space is a constant, typically involving spaceships to get through said space.

Ok, I was wrong. You really did mean it the same way Brian uses it, so it’s fine.

I ended up refunding this - the game crashes like crazy for me. Will try again later. Definitely looks promising though.

The complaints in the steam forum mention that this game is currently 50% action and 50% puzzles. Not what I expected.

That’s a ridiculous complaint. Most (maybe all) of the puzzles are completely optional. They created hand-crafted content with lots of cool things to find and stuff to do and people complain about it. Yeesh. Even if you like doing the puzzles, it’s not remotely half the game.

Aw man, this is me exactly. Like, painfully so.

Ahhh, gamers. And yeah, from what I saw the game is hardly “half puzzles”. Good grief.

So how’s the game folks? I heard its like half puzzles, half action, has too many stars in space and crashes on occasion. :)