Fallout 3?

Considering there is much more and much tougher combat throughout the game than at the very end, I highly doubt that anyone who managed to make it that far had an inordinate amount of trouble with the endgame.

Huh? The end game combat areas easily dwarfed any combat zone that came before, and I’ve heard of people saying they couldn’t finish the game because of said end game combat areas…

And I didn’t think it sucked. What was the last RPG you played that didn’t have an end boss?

It was linear with respawning enemies and I couldn’t appoach it differently. End game bosses are fine. It would have been better if you could solve the game without combat though. (ala Fallout)

The entire end game might dwarf any given combat mission in the game, but there’s more combat before the Giovanni Reunion and after. Look, it’s not like this was King’s Quest and at the end it turns into Gothic. Furthermore, except for the end bosses themselves, those weren’t even the toughest combat areas in the game. Leopold Society was full of puny humans, so that’s right out of the running. Both of the end boss levels were pretty easy… IIRC, Ventrue Towers was mostly SWAT guys, and the Kuei-Jin complex was mostly puzzles. The Sabbat hotel… ok, that was pretty tough, I guess, except that they give you a god damned flamethrower right in it that lets you kill any enemy in the level including the boss in half a hit and doesn’t require any ranged weapon skill to do so, not to mention the best melee weapon in the game. The Sewers were definitely harder. The Crack Den was probably about as hard. The last part of the Mansion was definitely harder.

If you know anyone who couldn’t make it through those combat sequences, you should smack them in the face. I bet they hid under the bed then they first set foot in the Asylum.

[quote]And I didn’t think it sucked. What was the last RPG you played that didn’t have an end boss?

It was linear with respawning enemies and I couldn’t appoach it differently. End game bosses are fine. It would have been better if you could solve the game without combat though. (ala Fallout)[/quote]

I don’t remember it having respawning enemies. That might just be that I didn’t fart around and run back to the entrance to see if stuff would respawn though. And yeah, a nonviolent end boss solution would have been nice. I also can’t think of any games that don’t have the word “Fallout” in the title that give you that option.



I never got to the real end boss so I wouldn’t know. I got the Silent King “ending,” and stopped playing there on principle.

I found the combat system was rather a weak point of Fallout 1 and 2. As others decribed, even mid game, the system fell on itself and combat became a pointless and non challanging chore to get to the story.

Which part of it using the Source engine for first person combat did you forget about? The game is hardly geared from the outset to be one revolving solely around political intrigue. Just about everything in the game has to be accomplished by brute force, with some stealth and skills thrown in for variety. I would have liked to be able to have a combat ghoul though.

FYI I got through the entire game with a Tremere with close combat 4, and ranged 3, so if I can do it so can you (since I wasted my points by spreading them too thinly across the board trying to be a jack-of-all-trades). All the stealth stuff can be done with a single point of stealth, which is what I had. I didn’t even max out my Thaumaturgy discipline tree.

Anyway, back to Fallout 3… if they make it first person and real time it could be workable since it’s certainly a lot easier to do guns than close combat items in a first person shooter (see Morrowind, the close combat stuff looks and feels retarded). Some lessons learned from Bloodlines is not a bad thing at all, by any means.

I wouldn’t expect any news on Fallout 3 until at least Oblivion ships on the 360. Even then it would just be some concept art…



Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
NWN: The Hordes of the Underdark (a first for BioWare)

Kuei-Jin complex was mostly puzzles.

This place gave me the most trouble and it wasn’t because of the puzzles. (all two of them?) Respawning enemies galore. I wish I had the guns from Painkiller.

I don’t remember it having respawning enemies. That might just be that I didn’t fart around and run back to the entrance to see if stuff would respawn though.

I thought it was obvious. You don’t need to back track to notice it. I’ve had guys spawn in right infront of me. :?

The Sewers were definitely harder. The Crack Den was probably about as hard. The last part of the Mansion was definitely harder.

The sewers were long and challenging, but there was a half-way point where you could return to the surface to get blood which made it less so. The Crack Den? Don’t even remember, must have been easy. The Mansion(Giovanni?) pretty easy.



Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
NWN: The Hordes of the Underdark (a first for BioWare)[/quote]
Refresh my memory on the HOTU one please.

IIRC if you could afford to pay for Mephisto’s True Name, you didn’t have to fight him. You’d also need to pay for the Knower of Names’ True Name as well.


IIRC if you could afford to pay for Mephisto’s True Name, you didn’t have to fight him. You’d also need to pay for the Knower of Names’ True Name as well.[/quote]
Hey cool. I meant to try some different things with the true names, but I got in a hurry to beat the game and accidentally overwrote my save position where I was next to the Knower of Names.

<Spoiler Question>
[color=white][size=1]BTW, did anyone manage to prevent Aeribeth from joining Mephistopheles at the end? I kept trying, but always failed.[/size][/color]
</Spoiler Question>


I never got to the real end boss so I wouldn’t know. I got the Silent King “ending,” and stopped playing there on principle.[/quote]

Dude, you can kill him with logic. That’s…that’s like the anti-RPG ending of all time.

You can kill Richard Grey with logic, too. I don’t recall if you can get past Frank without combat, though. You can convince his squad to turn on him, and hack the turrets to attack him.

Yeah, that’s the ticket, alright. I liked that you could do that, it didn’t come off as anticlimactic. Well, not after finding a defendable poisiton in the oil rig and firing away at all his henchmen, first.

If you do both, you can beat him without ever taking a turn, as evidenced by the speed run. So that’s the one fight in the game you just can’t get out of, but you don’t actually have to hit anybody.

If you do both, you can beat him without ever taking a turn, as evidenced by the speed run. So that’s the one fight in the game you just can’t get out of, but you don’t actually have to hit anybody.[/quote]

Couldn’t you also pickpocket him, use a bunch of super stimpaks on him, then wait for him to die?

If you do both, you can beat him without ever taking a turn, as evidenced by the speed run. So that’s the one fight in the game you just can’t get out of, but you don’t actually have to hit anybody.[/quote]

Couldn’t you also pickpocket him, use a bunch of super stimpaks on him, then wait for him to die?[/quote]

You’re confusing two methods of stealthkilling in that game. You don’t have to pickpocket someone to use a bunch of super stims; you pickpocket them to plant lit dynamite on them ;).

Both methods are ineffective on Frank, because you don’t have a chance to do anything to him before combat begins.

Signs you might be a pathetic fanboy who needs to get a life:

  1. You refer to anything involving changes to your favorite game franchise as “blasphemy.”

LOL now I gotta reinstall after reading that.

I think they were bitching about the same things the second it was announced that Bethsoft got the rights for Fallout 3. “Daggerfallout” LAWL.

As much as I’m sure a faithful sequel to Fallout would involve a wholly forgetable story and totally unavoidable combat situations that required pure grinding to prepare for unless you were a pure retarded battle machine, got that stupid dog, or had a huge party. I’d rather see someone making Fallout 3 as opposed to no one making Fallout 3.


Really? I didn’t think getting banned from The Codex was possible. The worst I’ve seen is the dumbfuck ranks, which is hard earned. [/quote]
I’ve got an illiterate rank for forgetting who made some game. It might have been Torment, in which case I deserve it.


Signs you might be a pathetic fanboy who needs to get a life:

  1. You refer to anything involving changes to your favorite game franchise as “blasphemy.”[/quote]

fluff, a useless quip. It doesn’t matter…what comes after does. So grapple onto that one statement all you want, go nuts!

signs you missed my point :wink:

I’ve got an illiterate rank for forgetting who made some game. It might have been Torment, in which case I deserve it.

No no, that’s the default starting rank :D