Fallout 4

Yeah. I’m a big fan of fashion and cosmetic appeal in RPGs, actually. I’m a sucker for making characters look pimped out. And Fallout 4 doesn’t even do Mad Max post-apoc pimpage well.

I can actually live with the patchwork look because it fits this world. My weapons are “home brew” so my armor can be too.

I suppose, but it doesn’t make much sense (not that anything in the game makes sense, really). We have vertibirds and power armor, plasma rifles and laser turrets…but we can’t have matching pieces of armor? The only home-brew weapons really are the pipe guns, and those are useless after like level 3 or so.

I resumed my several months old save today and man is it good to be back. I went straight to Far Harbor since I’m pretty high level (90) and I’ve already found some stat checks! Having tons of fun with Blitz stealth melee and just generally sneaking around, seeing new content.

Is there a way to quickly check which Bobbleheads I’ve already found?

Daaaaaaaaaamn, The Fish Catcher is OP as shit! With my stats it does around 290 (!!!) damage per swing and with -40% less AP cost I can use it in VATS almost as many times as the Pickman’s Blade! Needless to say, if I’m stealthed I can oneshot pretty much anything.

I thought they all show up under the miscellaneous tab? Or is that just the magazines I’ve picked up?

You’re going to love Far Harbor. Awesome location and DLC. Also note there are some script leveled baddies there, so be wary of things that look easy suddenly giving you a beating.

Thanks for mentioning this, I need it.

Does anyone have advice for running power through a settlement? I smacked a large power source right in the middle of Sanctuary but for the life of me can’t figure out why I can’t run more than 10 yards of wire between pylons. It looks junky as all hell. Is there no better way?

I think there are poles available that you can use to extend the length of cabling. Been a while since I built anything in FO4 so I don’t remember that well.

Also, is the save on exit in Survival mode a new feature? I don’t remember it being there before.

Wish I could tell ya on the exit save question. I play on very hard, not survival.

I just looked up a few mods for the power conduit issue. I’ll try them out and see which one works best for me:
Power Conduits and Pylons Overhaul
Power Conduit Increased Power Radius
Power Conduit Various Wireless Ranges
Wall Pass-Through Power Conduits

[quote=“Skipper, post:4885, topic:71429, full:true”]
[Does anyone have advice for running power through a settlement? I smacked a large power source right in the middle of Sanctuary but for the life of me can’t figure out why I can’t run more than 10 yards of wire between pylons. It looks junky as all hell. Is there no better way?[/quote]

There’s a mod that extends the distance power lines can deliver power. It’s stupid that I can run a 10 yard line and it delivers power, but an 11 yard one won’t. I don’t think electricity works that way, does it?

Yes, it was added.

This is a pretty amazing mod that just came out:

Your settlers now do a lot of your building for you, using templates.

Now that’s pretty cool.

So, in all of my runs through the main quest, I’ve always either gone with the Railroad or the Institute, except one time I think I did the BoS (still killed them in the end I think but can’t recall). Usually the Railroad. And I’ve always taken the “correct” path through, in terms of which choices I made in quests where there were options.

This time, though, for the hell of it, on the mission “Pinned,” to recruit (voluntarily or not) some random pseudo-scientist near Graygarden, I said screw it, and even though I was supposed to keep my cover for the Railroad’s plan to free the Willies (er, synths) I just charged in with the Minutemen and zapped all the Institute twits. This made me instantly hostile to the institute (even though I’d killed gazillions of synths and coursers already with no consequences, but w./e), and failed a bunch of pending quests. I decided to run with it, and it was quite interesting. I ended up with some stuff and locations I’d not done before, and eventually wound up with the Minutemen’s plan for the BoS, which I also had never done before.

So, even after 600+ hours, new stuff. Rad.

So which one was most enjoyable? I’m just starting out on playing F4, and so far am declining all invitations to join up. Not sure how long that avenue will be viable for, am curious which affiliation you’d recommend as first and likely only playthrough ;-)

Join everyone. You will want the companions and their perks, and the access to gear, as well as neat (and not so neat) quests. You will not have to make a final choice until fairly late in the main quest line. None of them are particularly satisfying in an ethical or plot sense; they’re all kind of twits. As to how fun each one’s denouement is, eh, pretty much the same.

I will just mention that there is a VERY narrow path by which you can keep everyone but the institute alive, happy with you, and not fighting each other.

I’m guessing it involves making nice with the BoS in some way? Because everyone hates those fuckers. With good reason.

I’ll probably go with Minutemen, lol. Preston is my BFF.

On a more serious note - is there a way to quickly boost companion rep without taking them along and performing menial tasks (lockpicking etc) in front of them to gain their approval? I’d love to do their quests, mostly because some locations have locked areas that are not accessible until you hit the right quest triggers and the completionist in me isn’t having any of that.

One of the (many) tricks to that ending … MAJOR spoiler below:

You get the mission to take down the Institute from BOS (so you have to play nice to get to that point), but you instead do it with the Minutemen and then go back and meet with BOS to turn in the mission. This leads to unique dialogue. And yes, they’re still jerks … just slightly more tolerant.

Thanks for the replies!

BTW - I’m getting really pissed at trying to throw grenades. I get the hold down melee until I hear the click, but holy crap it’s impossible to throw a grenade in a hallway, over a balcony, or through rubble. It always seems to bounce right back in my lap. Any pointers on how to aim ? The reticle doesn’t appear very accurate to where a grenade goes.