Fallout: New Vegas

Glad I waited until today. Single download at good speed. Now to install.

Set this up to download before I went to bed. Woke up today and the donwload had failed. Blech. Trying again. Though it doesn’t matter, I think I’ll put off starting this until I’m done with Red Dead Redemption 2.

Merged and fixed 202 version torrent https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/492201348733861900/504515065832275978/FalloutNewCaliforniaBETA202FullInstall.7z.torrent

So I’m stuck on: Steam error application load error 5:0000065434. Any ideas?

Is steam and the game on the same drive?

No. Is that the problem?

Probably, I recall having an issue with a game where I got a weird long error code like that, and it was because I had moved my games to a new larger SSD, but still had Steam installed on my C drive.

Move steam exe over to your games drive.

Would I actually have to install Steam on the drive or just move the exe?

Rubs chin

Try moving the Steam install folder first ? If that don’t work just reinstall Steam. You won’t lose your games you have already downloaded.

Dumb question , but you are running Steam as an Admin right?

Thanks. I’ll give it a shot.


Do not, I repeat, DO NOT uninstall Steam without moving your library folder first. You might be able to reinstall over an existing install, but if you run the uninstaller it will delete your game installs without prompting or telling you that it plans to. As I found out a few weeks back.

Turns out that I needed to run the Nexus Mod Manager as Admin. So that starts, but when I follow the instructions to load the actual mod, nothing seems to happen. The instructions say to wait and so I will. For a bit at least.

Make sure to grab Vortex from Nexus and not FOMM or NMM per the readme

And yes the copy seems to take a while like the whole Vortex copy routine is a patched-in C=1541 1-bit serial emulation

Ah! Damn. Thanks.

Edit: Installed Vortex. Taking a break. Thanks for the help folks.

After playing it a while, I’m come to the conclusion that New California is a spectacular mod that is constantly sucker-punched by Bethesda’s abortion of an engine.

I also discovered that while GOG in their wisdom incorporated the 4GB patch in their distro of NV, they did not include another vital fix, to wit:

  • Open up the fallout.ini file in: Documents\My Games\Fallout New Vegas:

1. Find the line: bUseThreadedAI=0
2. Change it to: bUseThreadedAI=1
3. Add another line after it and insert: iNumHWThreads=2

Otherwise, any sizable fight in New California will crash the game.

Damn, I had hoped that would cure the crashes but as soon as try and go visit the Lt. in security game crashes.

This mod/DLC does some stupid things; e.g. it expects FO:NV’s routines to work like they’re supposed to.

I think that only a brand-new install of FO:NV, with the 4GB patch and the fallout.ini changes works.

I get one reliable crash bug and that is where you end the prologue. I commented to the mod creator this morning on Discord that “the end the prologue script is really fragile, man”, and he was all like “yep that’s why we do a hard save there :)”

So yeah, I played through a good chunk of this mod – up to Union City – and then I realized that I just couldn’t take any more. Bethsoft’s old engine is so ugly and clunky and chuggy… and the mod does it absolutely no favors by throwing far more at it (particularly big, script-heavy battles) than the engine can handle. And the whole zeitgeist of carrying 9000 items around and switching from screen to screen and just… sigh. Even if the mod creators clean up the mod to make it playable on modern machines and smooth out the many rough edges, I think I’ll just leave FO:NV in the past, where it belongs.

Well, I got new Vegas to play. Me and the doctor. God isn’t it truly obvious how much better this game is than Fallout 3.

The new mod though…

Scharm I was betting that was the case. Clunkyness --thanks for being a pioneer on this.

This is where you lose me. I don’t mind playing FO:NV. Still the most preferred Fallout in the “Oblivion with Guns” series.