Fortnite - A New Game by Epic

15% speed boost when in outlander mode, also you can see loot 2 tiles away that contain special items (they glow green/blue/purple). I have found the class is great for stocking up on traps and guns.

To engage outlander mode, hit something with the pick, 5 times.

Hmm, I may have to level one up to get that bonus and for farming.

Speaking of farming, do you just going random missions or pick specific zones? Also does the zone level have any impact on loot quality? IE: The chance to get the spinning gizmos needed by blue and higher level gear?

Depending on what I need I’ll pick certain places. Cities seem to have more boxes of stuff, etc, whereas the outer areas have more caves for minerals.

I actually don’t know about whether or not the level matters. Probably! I think you can get higher level components later on.

I know certain items have a chance to spawns stuff. However, its still pretty rare to get those gizmos from tool chests. I mean really rare. I seem to find them from loot chests mostly.

I get kind of a mix. I usually get 1 or 2 from a city level if I scour it. Sometimes you can get 3 or more, but that’s pretty lucky. Those are the only real pains in the ass I’ve found so far.

Has anyone else had the mission to destroy 4 power transformers? I have only found 1 of the right size, that has given me credit for destroying it.

Also FYI, easy nuts and bolts can be found by taking out parking meters.

Outlanders are awesome for gathering. That’s their specialty.

There’s several different types of Outlander that specialize in different areas but in general you can drop several loot llamas in a map, which can help you stock up on a lot of the base materials (wood/stone/metal). They move quickly, do more damage with the harvesting tool, can see loot containers through walls, and have Anti-Material charge which is great for instakilling cars, large stones, etc. It all adds up.

The Deadeye outlander is more combat focused but also pretty amazing, if you enjoy pistol weapons.

At this point, I may want to know what the major specialization of each archetype is, as in why do you want to play them.

So soldiers are good at ranged DPS although I see plenty with melee weapons.
Then the outlanders for gathering.
Builder types? Why should I bother with these? I have some quests to do X with a builder, but I have no idea why I would want to play with them.
Ninjas? Melee dps. I see some of these, not sure of the appeal of being surrounded by zombies on all sides.
Is there any other types I am missing?

Those are the four base archetypes, there’s around 6-8 subclasses within each type. And ninjas are awesome, you want to be surrounded by zombies because you slice them to bits.

Constructors are my least favorite just because they’re slow, but they can upgrade walls a whole tier above anyone else. That’s really important, even if you’re just using them to build up your main outpost. As the missions start to get really hard in the 3rd area, having a constructor on a mission is really nice for the higher tier walls and the BASE reinforcement thing they can deploy. A good team will have an outlander dropping llamas at the defense site so the builder can construct the base and not have to do so much harvesting on his/her own.

Early on it’s easy enough to just do whatever and succeed and that’s especially bad for the constructor, unless they’ve buffed their speed in the EA release. Otherwise, they’re kind of late bloomers.

This seems particularly grindy for progression and the heavy monetization of endgame is worrisome. I can wait this out until next year and don’t feel compelled to buy in for Early Access I guess.

Yes, if you’re worried about that stuff, I recommend setting it aside or holding off for improvements. I think there’s a core game here that’s pretty good, but the grindy stuff is really rough and IMO detracts just enough to override the positives.

Epic might adjust things during EA that could make this game better. Conversely, they could tweak things to go more grindy and F2P. Too early to say for now.

I wish there was a way to reclaim a trap from a map, if it hasn’t been used.

I wish that too

I really like the idea of this game, but the execution seems a big grindy and complex. I sure hope other game devs are looking at this title and thinking of a better way to implement the same concept.

It’s a shame because they’ve really nailed some of it. The building mechanics are really neatly done, and the procedural environments are pretty impressive too. It’s just the meta layer that’s hiding the fun.

I am still on the first zone and I will be for a while. I figured if they wanted to make constructors worth while, they should have an efficiency with building materials, like building for half the material cost. Still though, Id only use them to upgrade my base, never on missions.

There are a ton of Quality of Life things that can be easily improved before F2P that would really improve the game.

Real quick one would be:

Stacks of 99 in backpack, be made stacks of 999. :)
Stacks of 999 wood/iron/brick be made 9999. :)

Maybe these are upgrades later in the game research tree?

Also it would be nice to have a dedicated melee weapon slot, in addition to the pick axe and 3 gun weapon slots. :p

I play as a Constructor for most or all of this video

You can’t upgrade the stack size, but you do upgrade the max inventory slots in your skill tree.

Yeah I’ve upgraded backpack inventory and home base inventory sizes twice already, but its not enough for a hoarder like myself.

Also remember to recycle crappy / almost broken weapons for the resources. :D

Also I came across this late lastnight, I’ve been building defenses all wrong… :(

1 tile, 3 layer walls! D:::::::::

RandomYouKnowKnowing.gif seems appropriate at this moment.