Fortnite - A New Game by Epic

I will, but at the PS4 - Loved the trailer, but have no idea what the gameplay itself is like.

So this seems like one of those games that is best played consistently with a group of friends.

I am assuming solo play with randos will be a lacking experience?

Nah, pugs work just fine. Friends of course are always better, but I’ve had no problems with randoms dropping into my missions (or vice versa).

You run around and explore an instanced zone while gathering materials, finding loot, and fighting the baddies you run into. There are several different mission types, so while you’re there you’re trying to complete an objective. It often involves building fortifications and laying out traps to defend an objective in a horde-style defense, but in later patches they added other types of missions as well.

You also build up a persistent base in each region, which also periodically comes under assault (you trigger a mission for the defense, it doesn’t just happen at random times). Progression through a region is measured by how far you’ve expanded your persistent base. The attacks here get MUCH harder than random missions, so you really want to have your base heavily fortified, trapped, and garrisoned. Bring some friends (real ones or just random people online).

The game has a very cartoon / not serious vibe to it, but the gameplay itself is pretty tight. I don’t know that makes any sense, but you’ll see what I mean.

So did they actually lift the NDA on this? I could have missed that easily.

.I watched some videos and the building controls seems complicate, I wonder how they work on consoles. You build under pression, I believe.

What made the building controls seem complicated?

The building controls aren’t complicated. They might seem that way, but it’s pretty intuitive once you start playing with it.

The NDA is up on the 20th, I think. Sonky and I have played this some so we’re going to make some videos showing it off when we can.

At the end of the day, it reminds of me of Orcs Must Die but you build the levels yourself, first.

I’m convinced most of the reason I’m so intrigued by this game is it promises to be a shorter, more looty less grindy version of 7 Days to Die. Accurate?

More Co-op ish…

Define “grind”? I haven’t really played 7 Days to Die (I tried it once back in Alpha 7 or something).

There’s grind, but I imagine it’s different than what 7 Days grind is.

Well, in the context of 7DtD, I’m thinking of the need to spend a good chunk of a 30-minute daylight cycle chopping down trees, breaking up rocks and harvesting plants in order to get to the things I want to do - like build a network of ramps and spikes to protect myself from zombies.

In the current alpha version, I get 5-6 logs per hit with my ax right now, and I need 15 or 20 logs to build a single spike trap, depending on which version I make. Plus I have to watch my stamina so I don’t tire out and find myself unable to run or use my melee weapon if zombies or dogs surprise me while I’m chopping down the tree.

But 15-20 logs only gets me the base version of a single spike trap. The upgraded version of the trap takes another 20 logs. Plus I need to make arrows, and every arrow needs 1 wood (and 1 stone and 1 feather), and so on. That’s the grind I’m thinking of - the long tail of harvesting required to prepare a defensive position over multiple in-game days.

It’s not as hardcore as 7dtd and it isn’t really the same deal. It’s very cartoony and EPIC action.

I hope they tone down the looting notification a bit. In the videos I saw the loot fly to your head and looks very distracting. Other games do this, but the loot is smaller and fly to your center of body mass and is not a problem.

I never found it distracting in practice, but YMMV.

So, my embargo lifts tomorrow and I have my release keys. I plan on streaming it tomorrow evening, unless something crazy happens.

I am looking forward for this game. :D

Yeah I want to hear/see how much grind is gonna be needed to get anywhere in game, I do hope it turns out to be fun.

Thankfully it’s not like an MMO where you have to put in a bunch of time to get to the “real game”. If you’re a completionist that wants to finish the game instead of enjoy the journey, I think you might have issues, if that makes any sense.

Fortnite has already ben released, and also has not ben released yet.

Fortnite shows in the “new releases” list in the PSN store, and when you go to the store page, theres no download button. Fornite don’t shows in the “pre-order” section.

Fornite don’t show in Metacritic next releases section because is released. Fortnite is also not released yet.

You can buy Fortnite, and is also a Free to play game you don’t need to buy.

I hope I have clarified this for y’all, because I myself can’t understand it.