Fox News thread of fine journalism

You really think Fox News or Trumpista’s care about anything CNN comes up with?

again from the CNN piece:

Fox News continued to discuss the story on its air Wednesday afternoon, even after multiple outlets – including the Wall Street Journal, which is controlled by Fox head Rupert Murdoch – had reported contrary information.

More important, really - does Fox give a damn about facts?

Oooh, oooh! I know that one. That’s an easy one.

Yeah, god forbid we actually have a President be informed before making policy…

The US Olympic team is too diverse for this guy.

The comments section isn’t too bad.

Huh… looks like they took the article down?

Wow. Looks like they did. I guess open bigotry from John Moody, the EVP of Fox News, was just too blatant for them.

Never let it be said that Fox News doesn’t have a sense of humor:

“John Moody’s column does not reflect the views or values of FOX News and has been removed,” the network said in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter on Friday afternoon.

Bwahahahahaha! As anyone who watches even a bit of Fox News knows, that’s exactly the editorial position…

Ah. Here’s the archive:

A USOC official was quoted this week expressing pride (what else?) about taking the most diverse U.S. squad ever to the Winter Olympics. That was followed by a, frankly, embarrassing laundry list of how many African-Americans, Asians and openly gay athletes are on this year’s U.S. team. No sport that we are aware of awards points – or medals – for skin color or sexual orientation.

So, it’s embarrassing how many blacks, orientals and gays we have. Lol Fox News.

It is hard to believe anyone would complain about the racial/gender make up of any US Winter Olympic team. This guy should have saved his racist ramblings on the summer olympic team. Do you suppose he was unaware that members of the teams have to actually earn their way on the team thru competitions?

He likely thinks they get on via affirmative action.

You’re conveniently ignoring all those straight white athletes who get passed over in the name of diversity. You know, the ones who skied just as fast, flew as far, etc., but couldn’t go. It’s a real shame.

Team USA is sending 243 athletes to the Winter Olympics. Of those, 10 are Americans of Asian descent, another 10 are African-American, a couple have Latino heritage and another few are gay (numbers are not available). In all, less than 12% of America’s Winter Olympians are of non-Caucasian ethnicity and/or gay. The amazing thing is, this is an improvement from previous years. The USOC has been working diligently for several years to seed winter sports programs in places where they did not exist before so that Americans from all backgrounds can participate and perhaps someday become Olympians. Not only does this benefit the USOC by providing them with more potential athletes, but everyone who watches the Winter Olympics on TV can better relate when they see an American athlete who they can directly relate with competing. It’s a win-win all around, and those numbers are going to increase steadily every 4 years.

12% is a good start, but it’s nowhere near where we could be. And yet morons like John Moody and most of the FOX News folks already feel threatened by it. Fuck all of them, they can’t die off soon enough.

Like Jesse Owens ;) Probably shouldn’t even have been in Berlin…

I wonder if this has anything to do with the white ice skating dancing girl (what do they call that?) who complained after being beaten out by three Asian-American skaters dancer girl type people…

They’re throwing their weight down for the chaotic evil plot to topple lawful evil Kelly.

Well, if Fox and Friends comes out against Kelly he will be gone.

Or Hannity.