Fox News thread of fine journalism

In last year’s Mr. Rogers documentary, Won’t You Be My Neighbor? , Fox News makes an unexpected cameo in a segment about conservative backlash to Rogers’ show, when anchors complained that Rogers’ recurring theme that “everyone is special” was inconsistent with American ideals that hold that people have to earn their value. If Fox News sees this kind of thinking—that “fairness” corrupts children’s brains and kids are only worth as much as someone is willing to pay them—as the happy byproduct of capitalism, maybe they should be less surprised that young people are over it.

“Dana’s Super Bowl Queso Goes Viral”. Well, yes. In the sense that it is clearly infested with viruses.

For a second I thought that bit about Mr. Rogers was parody. I see crap about participation trophies and how weak & soft kids are these days all the time on FB from people I know back in Texas. Mostly from fellow white folks that started out on 1st or 2nd base already with caring middle-to-upper-middle class parents. And now they rail about handouts or immigrants or how things used to be.

That tweet also got replies from Matthew Mercer, Mike Mearls, and Popehat. lol

LOL! Too funny.

I instantly recognized the picture and smiled, but that it made it on Fox is kind of amazing.

This is a great write up. Thanks for sharing!

One of its key points is the 10,000x more comparison. How a $10,000 purchase is like $1 for someone making $400 million vs. $40,000 each year.

But the key thing there is that it equally applies to investment interest. So for someone with a crappy savings account that gets them a couple bucks interest each month on a small amount? Imagine the interest you’d earn on 10,000x the amount

…except you also have the best investors and money people in the world maximizing your returns on top of that.

These are the people effectively creating policy

Second thing to come to mind (the first thing being “Please let him be joking.”):

Ol’ Pete, running around with feces on his hands nonstop for ten years to own the libs. That’s true commitment.

You remind me of the Mythbusters episode when they researched “fecal matter” and how for it “wandered” from the bathroom. Turned out it was everywhere. Knowing it was on bathroom toothbrushes was something I didn’t need to know.

Fail at your moronic ‘wall’ project, but claim you succeeded. Will work on the rubes, but doubt it will on sophisticates like Ann Coulter…

You can hear the missing exclamation mark.
I wonder if trump tv watchers realize they’ve crossed into dear leader land? Or if they did, would they care?

Most Trump tv viewers are so divorced from the real world they barely exist. BTW, notice the freakishly small hand in that graphic.

Yeah, that baby hand ain’t buildin’ a wall anytime soon, that’s for sure.

He’ll get enough new fencing to stand in front of it and declare victory. It doesn’t have to be true. “Alternative fences” are effective for him.

I’m baffled by his stance on the contractors. Is he really going to spike this legislation over that? Why? I had him pegged as a narcissist, but not an actual masochist. How does that issue make any difference to him or his base?

Well shit, if we could pay Fox News to also run big banner pages proclaiming “Hillary Found Guilty And Jailed”, “Abortion Now Outlawed” and “Liberals Defeated” their entire viewership would crawl back under their rocks and we could sweep 2020 in a landslide.

I was thinking that same thing.

Want a lying headline? Go with god.