Fox News thread of fine journalism

“God cool with fucking over the poor”

Can we please send Fox News to the gulags?

It’s a bit odd, because it’s not his money and he doesn’t care about spending. The only thing I can think is he either has a natural antipathy towards contractors, since he often tries to stiff them, or he thinks they are Democrats and this is sticking it to the Dems and his base will lap it up.

Pretty dumb move. There were 800,000 feds out of work due to the shutdown, but I wager there were about half a million contractors. If he scotches the agreement due to this, the news is just going to start showing non-stop sob-stories from janitors and people like Scuzz (or me!) who do contract work and went without pay for a month.

Maybe contractor backpay would be viewed as a government handout by his base and we just can’t have that. Maybe he thinks the contractors are actual canine coyotes and will use that backpay money to snatch little GOP babies in the night. Who knows? Guy’s nuts.

The stupid is so strong with Trump it has to be eroding the support of his voters. How many tens of thousands of votes will he lose with conservative-leaning contractors now that he wants to stiff them? They have spouses and relatives and friends who may be influenced by this too.

Unlike the billions he’s handing out to farmer to cover for his tariffs.

They know their viewers…

It was just a misunderstanding, his excellence meant not appropriate for our HEIR.

Mexico, Obamacare, Infrastructure, Cybersecurity?

Sean Hannity: Trump keeps his promises. I predict he’ll find a way to get the money to build the wall

Cool. Mexico will pay for it, 100% then. That was his promise.

And then Clinton’s off to the slammer - promises kept!

At least he hasn’t ever promised anything else.

The speed of trump:
Misguided and out of control, but fast!

Anyone know if there’s a transcript available somewhere for those of us with restricted viewing possibilities right now?

I would sooner smash my testicles in a car door.

I’d sooner watch this than Tucker Carlson.