Game Making Tools

Yeah it uses pixels as a unit for a start!

Plus it seems to have a single nicely-featured integrated UI system. Unity currently has what, three different UI frameworks? :P

Regarding the documentation, it seems pretty good to me. What is the issue people have with it?

I’m a long-time Unity fan and while that does have many more advanced tools and free assets, tutorials, etc. this seems pretty capable while appearing simpler for the beginner. Even having the nice Python-esque GDScript is far simpler than using C#.

It’s pretty remarkable for a free open source tool really.

It’s great! Super easy to get going and to customize.

I’ve never had issues with the documentation. Also, there are a lot of great video tutorials for GDQuest. Nathan… (can’t remember his last name) has great courses, too.

I also really liked the Ben Tristam and Yann (?) Godot course on Udemy.

How is Godot for non-programmers?

If small binaries are a requisite (and open source is desirable), there’s also stuff like LÖVE . I’d still recommend Godot over it, though.

It has a visible scripting system but I’ve never used it. GDScript is very easy to pick up, in my opinion!

As mentioned it has built-in visual scripting. This kind of thing is not very efficient and can get out of hand though, since you’d drop down and interconnect 10 nodes to achieve the same as a couple lines of GDScript.

But you could easily get started there. Then if inclined GDScript has a similar syntax to Python, which is often regarded as one of the easiest/best languages for newcomers to learn.

I’m looking for an isometric SRPG engine but I don’t think there is one.

Godot has a tile layout engine that supports isometric and an openrpg add-on/plugin to support a bunch of rpg style mechanics, including turn based.

I actually want to make a board game / turn based style game that has multiple Z board layers (basically a 3D board game space).

I’d also like to make a pixel-like strategy game (sort of populus / civilization where every pixel is a person so you can have tens of thousands of pixelpeople doing things in your civ.). I would also really, really change how agriculture works because every game since the dawn of time has got agriculture wrong.

Crap. I just lost a week of my life.

Godot sounds interesting to me. I’m a C# developer though - how is the experience using Godot with C#? Seems like a lot of the resources point toward GDScript.

They even have a starter project for making an isometric game, linked to from that blog tutorial.

Also there’s a bunch of documentation in the Unity docs for doing this kind of 2D stuff.

Aside from all the built in stuff, there are also a ton of packages in the asset store that provide a bunch of stuff to streamline the process of making a game from scratch.

I’m in the same boat and what’s turned me off Godot every time I download it is the first time you launch the mono version of Godot it tells you that C# isn’t production ready. It’s been like that since they “released” it.

I think the answer to this is - as a C# developer, you should have few problems using GDScript. ;)

Does GDScript support LINQ? If I can’t express the entirety of the game logic in a single LINQ query, it ain’t an authentic C# experience.

Hahaha no! :D

GDScript is not like C#, it’s like Python.

What I meant was that if you know C# you can learn GDScript in an afternoon, and it may be a better way to go than using something that’s not ready yet.

Here’s an interesting look at custom game engines:

Edit: Discourse makes it look like balls.

Discourse: makes it look like balls

The Godot Engine 2020 showreel is out:

More updates from Kenney!