Games journalism 2019 - Everything is streaming

It shows them that they can effect change that annoys everybody else.

You’re all right, we should just let horrible assholes take over all the public spaces without any push back. That will go great

Internet (and reddit) is a (for now, and may it stay that way forever) open medium where anyone on earth can post anonymously. That happens to include psychopaths, immature people, dumb people and assholes. The idea that writing that post and shutting down a subreddit for a day will serve to do anything other than challenge them to increase their activity strikes me as naive, but maybe I am wrong.

Pretty much every post those moderators showed was downvoted to oblivion already.

Reddit is a bastion for the far right, ethno-nationalist, neonazis and “classical liberals” etc. They are dominant and have numerous protected subreddits where Reddit owners let them be as racist/homophobic/misogynist as they want. It spreads to other subreddits. Even somewhere really apolitical Ive been posting for ages like /r/London is now full of assholes whining about “freedom of speech” every time someone objects to them shitting all over the threads with their hate and bigotry.
Reddit will never sort it out. The owners have made a business decision to pursue the far right dollar.

I don’t think it has much to do with reddit specifically, it’s just the times we’re in and any site that big soon runs out of human resources to contain it.
But I also see they generally still get downvoted below 0, excepting some mid-thread responses that probably no one read. And news subreddits that are naively progressive (by which I mean, the linked study doesn’t really say the headline or the source isn’t really that reliable), so I don’t think the sky is falling just yet.
Gaming subreddits, though, used to be a lot nicer and useful, but I think it’s mostly the size that stops good conversation from happening.
On that note, I don’t think I’ve ever felt more inclined to comment than on QT3, congratulations on that welcoming feeling (and for influencing some view changes). But I doubt it would survive having 10x as many people with 10x the growth speed without serious problems either.

Barrens chat lol.

Well, yeah. But still. It didn’t used to be so racist.

Though that’s probably more of a function of active moderation (the private server’s volunteer mods are understandably pretty hands-off) than anything else.

People are awful, I guess is my point.

I don’t know, I remember Barrens chat being pretty bad. At least that was Blizz moderated though.

A lot of gamers are very young teenagers. People with a immature brain and a lot to learn about to world and the people in it.

We are doomed for some… embarrassing… side of gaming.

And that’s more apparent than at any past point in history, because the awful people 1) have the ability to reach everyone and 2) can all get together in internet spaces and pat each other on the back for being awful.

No, it was.

Great ‘exclusive’ in what happened with Anthem by Jason Schreier.

Why do I have the feeling this term has morphed into something entirely different than what I understood it as in college many years ago?

Yup. I think I even used it myself a few years ago.

Now it’s just a term crypto-racists use when they don’t want to associate their ideology with that of the alt right/far right, despite the differences between the CLs and the alt right being neglible.

Ah, good to know. Thanks for the insight.

It’s amazing how often the word passion is thrown around in this industry, that and dedication as if the people who question the methods or past work lack either or both of those.

“I work hard so you should not question my work” is not an uncommon response from developers even when the criticism is fair and warranted. It is a dodge based on both ego and anger.

Surely it’s better to just ban he fucktards and let the normal people continue posting, rather than stop everyone posting for 24hrs?

This is 100% correct, the bigger the sub reddit the worse it is, with the exception of some heavily moderated sub reddits like r/aww. I’m on some smaller sub reddits where there is good conversation.