Gunnerkrigg Court

I’m not really familiar with the Reynard stories. It depends on perspective though, doesn’t it? “Did you ever kill anyone?” “Yes, but they were all bad.”

The core of a trickster is that they enjoy humiliating other people. Sometimes they have an enemy who deserves it, but that just makes the trickster an asshole who you’re cheering for. :>

Is it wrong that I love Coyote because he’s an asshole?

If it’s wrong, I don’t want to be right.

second panel in today’s strip

Coyote looks sooooo pleased with himself. :) :) :)

Coyote is silly awesome. God I love that last panel so much.

Tricksters are your known troublemakers, who can get away with breaking the rules because it’s expected of them. Coyote is mostly in it for his own amusement. Fortunately he doesn’t seem to be intentionally malicious, unlike that sociopath Loki.

Oh, and Coyote is deity-level, which occasionally makes things awkward. Reynardine and Ysengrin are not deity-level, but Coyote finds it amusing to give them supernatural abilities.

  • Alan

He does have a lot of teeth, if every pebble on the ground can be one.

Yes, that last panel is also awesome, but I just crack up at the self-satisfied grin in that second panel, along with Annie recoiling in disgust and horror.

OK, so I just read the whole thing. Straight up.

Pretty damn fucking awesome.


I also just read through the whole thing from beginning to end and really enjoyed it. The first year was okay, but once she gets to the point where Muut takes her to the boy who doesn’t know that he is dead, the story really picks up and begins to examine, rather than just introduce, the world.

One of the best things about finding out about a webcomic years after the initial strip is that you can read through multiple chapters all at once. The first two chapters are more on the cute side. Once Reynard is introduced you get the feeling that the author has something deeper planned and it just takes off from there. Very enjoyable, thanks for posting the initial link… 3 years ago!

I just got the second hardbound book. I am always amazed at how luscious the production of these books, including how much smaller they are than I expect them to be after reading them for years on a large monitor.

We really seem like we are still in the beginning stages of this story. So much to look forward to.

Good call on the hardbound books, it’ll be that much easier to get people to read the series if I can hand them a book instead of a URL.

There’s something very wrong with that boy.

Jones is so a robot.

Maybe a golem?

I wonder how much Jones looks like our favorite gap-haunting ghost.

Edit: My brain was not functioning when I wrote that. What I mean is… I wonder how much Jones looks like Jeanne.

A golem seems like a good guess, she’s very different from the robots we’ve seen.

Thank you all for bringing this to my attention. I just devoured the archives. I wish to devour more!

Interesting. I had never considered this before, but there is definitely a resemblance.