Hogwarts Legacy - WB makes a full AAA RPG for Harry Potter

Yeah, I get the feeling that open world jank and other related bugs, crashes, etc will be plentiful in this game, especially for early adopters. It’s likely that unless you’ve got some affection for the world (note, not affection for the creator of said world), it’s probably going to not connect.

If there’s good news in that, it’s that Avalanche is a pretty big, and pretty well-funded studio and seems like they’re in the biz for the long haul and so I’d expect patches and support for those issues. Hopefully.

I’m sure this game will sell like crazy, it would be dumb of the devs to just move on after release.

Technically the game hasn’t been “released” yet, so Avalanche could certainly drop a day-one patch for PC.

I’m debating whether to get this for PC or PS5. I’d like to play it on the Steam Deck but right now the PS5 would offer the best performance. Another option is to stream it from the PS5 to the Deck. But the PC version is cheaper.

Decisions decisions.

Shrug, I guess I’ll pick it up in a year then. It’ll be much cheaper, bugs patched, performance fixed, etc.

This is literally the sort of thing that triggers me to say “fuck it, I’ll just wait”. Hogwarts isn’t a highly anticipated game for me. They needed to lure me in, and this did the opposite.

The FTC should look into this anti-competitive behavior.

I have heard reports of people on the PC version saying it runs fine. I still would have gotten it on the PS5 anyway, but at least it sounds like it’s not a horrible port. I did have it crash out on my PS5 once last night. Hopefully that’s a fluke. :)

The game comes out on Friday, so the Day One patch might address some issues as well, as someone said above.

Fascinating look between the game and the movies. I’m amazed at how closely they modeled the movie sets.

Watching some streamers play on PC on Twitch (for those drops) after just spending another hour and a half or so playing on my PS5 makes it super clear how much better the load times on PS5 are.

Huh. I’m only 3 hours in on PC, but from an M2 drive I’ve not had any noticeable issues with load times.

Like I said, though, I’m early. :)

Very happy so far. I can confidently say that jars and pots are not safe with me and my wand.

Don’t forget to get your Twitch drops too. You can earn them without having the game. They link to your WB account.

From what I’ve seen it’s not bad on the PC. It’s just noticeably faster on the PS5.

45 minures in, just got to the dorm. Appears having curiosity makes one a Ravenclaw. Very impressed with the style and atmosphere so far.

That bit impressed me as well. Makes me feel like the game makers intend to be faithful to the source material.

I’m like 6-8 hours in and I just freaking love the game so far. It runs fantastic on the PS5 so I’m glad I went with that instead of mucking around with PC settings. I got the broom just before logging off and it’s great. It reminded me of the ride Soarin except I’m in control.

So far 99.99 of the quests have been interesting. Sure there are a few fetch quest but they are usually based around teaching you something. The way they introduced stuff in this game is brilliant. It’s clear concise and mixed in with a bit of fun.

Major thumbs up from me.

I do find the combat quite hard btw. Just so many button combos. It’s a lot deeper than you would ever expect it would be.

My brain can’t process how bad one’s port has to be for this to happen.

There have been some utterly shit ports, but the one thing a remotely modern PC never loses to a console on is load times. It’s like a Fiat winning a drag race with a Ferrari.

Pro tip. Any clothing you collect even if you sell it can be swapped back in as a cosmetic option. So if you find a sweet sweet hat. Sell it when you find something stronger as you can still wear it. On the PS5 it’s the square button to change what is displayed on the character.

You haven’t experienced a PS5 yet, have you?

Right! It’s really not that it is a crap PC port (though it might be, I haven’t really looked into it other than watching some streamers on PC). It’s that the speed of the SSD in a PS5 is one of the flagship features. Apparently there’s some custom silicon to improve it beyond typical M.2 speeds.

This is the best I can do to explain it:

I have so many questions.