Hogwarts Legacy - WB makes a full AAA RPG for Harry Potter

Well, that’s a lot of wizards

This concept, an open-world non-Lego Hogwarts, is what people have been asking to get for years.

My takeaway if I ran a big-time AAA publisher: there’s still a sizable marketplace and profit to be earned from single player games.

It helps that the game is awesome, as well!

The thing is, that’s the number of players with the deluxe edition or whatever, once the normal edition is out, it could reach CP2077 record.

I like how they show the one they beat, not the one that beat them :)

Huh, I didn’t realize the developer is the studio of that name around my location, not the one in Sweden

Oh , I totally thought it was the Just Cause guys!

People work fast

RT completely destroys CPU performance just like in Witcher 3 nextgen. In populated place drops to 40fps on 7700X/4090.

That’s hilariously bad. 60 fps on dlss performance in rtx 4090… like, that gpu is so powerful is hard to grasp on it. It makes 250fps on Doom Eternal, WITHOUT any DLSS.
And honestly, that video doesn’t show a particularly striking use of ray tracing.

By comparing it to the Witcher 3 remaster, they’re saying it is also fundamentally broken.

Indeed they very much are.

Afaik it has no RTGI, only shadows and reflections. So RT is probably just useless and should not be used by anyone who wants stable 60.

In Witcher 3 RTGI actually changes the whole look of the game.

Man, that’s a pretty subjective position. Ray tracing for global illumination, reflections, ambient occlusion, and shadows, all have their place (and there may be other features of ray tracing I don’t understand, those are just the four I vaguely understand from Digital Foundry videos), and I don’t think it’s fair to say RT is “useless” if it’s only shadows and reflections—or any specific feature. It’s a trade off that different people will feel differently about, and probably different from game to game.

I mean it is useless if one wants to get stable 60 in this game. Of course it is not useless in general. I do mantain however that as much as I like RT reflections, RTGI is still much more pronounced change (when it comes to games with dynamic time of day).

Odd that they are able to get a pretty much solid 30FPS with RT in Quality mode on the PS5. Honestly we can count on one hand the games that have implemented RT without it totally murdering a computer. Off the top of my head I can only think of Cyberpunk and that’s after 900 patches. ;)

I don’t use a FPS counter when I play games anymore, mostly because I find myself watching the FPS counter instead of, you know, the game. :)

But I am pretty attuned to chug, heavy frame rate dips, lag, and what-have-you. I notice it when it happens.

I’m playing with RTX on for two of the three boxes – not shadows, which apparently need a patch to fix. And even in Hogsmeade or in common areas of the castle with a lot of students, the feel has been pretty frame-rate stable.

I think I mostly bristled at your phrasing:

Afaik it has no RTGI, only shadows and reflections. So RT is probably just useless and should not be used by anyone who wants stable 60.

You could’ve said “RT is beautiful but should not be used by anyone who wants stable 60” and in the context of the hardware requirements been making the same point.

It’s worth talking about that the hardware requirements make it prohibitive to get a good frame rate and use RT at the same time, but that’s true no matter what you think of RT effects and you were coming down hard on reflections and shadows; that surprised me.

This is the internet, sir. We speak in hyperbole!

Did you run into a bug? The the game is broken. Is a weapon/class/skill undertuned? It is useless, unplayable, etc. :)

My personal favorite: when someone loses a match (games, sports, you name it) they are always DESTROYED or EXPOSED, regardless of how narrow the loss. :)