House V

They could always bring in his lingering addiction as a plot element. Sure, Mrs O’Hanrahan’s kidneys are failing, but House can’t concentrate because Thirteen brought in a delicious vicodan pie!

I know that television dramas like to go through the various permutations of their characters pairing up, but Huddy is simply not going to be as interesting as Vicodouse.

I still don’t know if I liked the suicide ending more than I would’ve liked his being suddenly transferred to another hospital or something.

Me neither, despite how great the suicide episode was, but I meant that Kutner was the one really good character on House’s staff, and now he’s not.

I agree


Wha-!? Okay, I didn’t see that coming…


tap tap

Dear Fox, Brian Singer, et. al.,

Fuck you. No, seriously - please go die in a fire. Thanks to Michael Ausiello I knew this was coming and I still didn’t see your pink pages joke for what it was. You better fix this. Like, now. Or I will have very hurt feelings for several months.


Brian Seiler

I’ve watched House (my wife and I) since Season One, and I have NO idea what you are talking about?

EDIT: I just did a search for “Michael Ausiello” and found an article about him whining about feeling “duped”? What the hell? I thought it was a terrific twist, I had NO idea it was coming, and I enjoyed the ride. /shrug

EDIT2: I still don’t get the “pink pages” thing though.

If you are on the west coast, you probably shouldn’t even be reading this thread for another couple of hours, but just in case, SPOILERS!



Ausiello had the early scoop on the season ending with House in an asylum.

Edit: And let me say, I’m not wholly sure how I feel about that ending (though I did know the spoiler beforehand) but the use of camerawork and lighting in this episode and the last one was magnificent. The whole episode, including both ‘cases’, was one long hint toward what was going to end up having happened.

I don’t get the pink pages thing either.

My DVR cut off before the credits - I saw House walking towards the entrance and Cameron and Chase walking down the aisle. Anything else I missed?

Especially if there was anything after the ep about what happens next season (I don’t remember if FOX shows previews for the next season at the end of a season finale or not).



My. . . God. . . that was the absolute last thing I expected to happen. When she fired him, I figured that was the shocker: he’d have to find a new hospital, whole new team; a sort of super reboot. But there were still plenty of minutes left in that episode.

But house in the asylum? Jesus Christ. I. . . I don’t even know what to think. I guess all our whinging on about getting off painkillers so easily was for naught.

But seriously. . . pink pages?

If my Simpsons knowledge counts for anything, he’s referring to the “dream sequence”. When Moe got a facelift and starred on a soap opera, the scripts had differently colored pages for dream sequences, coma fantasies, etc. But this wasn’t a dream sequence.

I hope they don’t resolve this within the first two episodes (like at the start of season three) next season so they can get back to normal.

Further spoilers, but really, after this, no more tags from me.

No, I’m telling you, man: Next season is House: Psychiatric Patient Doctor (House, PPD). With the assistance of his attractive new team of hallucinated junior doctors (Hallucinated-Regenerated-Kutner and Hallucinated-Regenerated-Cutthroat-Bitch), Crazy-Detoxing-House roams the halls of Mayfield Psychiatric Hospital, moaning in abject misery and cracking hard-to-solve mental mysteries in the whacked-out minds of his fellow patients. From week-to-week, he struggles to lift himself from puddles of his own vomit as HRK and HRCB laugh at his problems and give him much-needed insights into the various psychoses of schizophrenics, borderline personalities, and manic-depressives. With CDH’s slurred–yet hyper-accurate–diagnoses to help them, the burly guards at Mayfield will be able to stop patients’ tantrums dead with carefully placed references to their dead children and histories of childhood sexual abuse. His reward for these psychiatric miracles? Why, smuggled-in off-brand Vicodin, of course!

So tune in this fall for FOX’s most shocking show yet! House, PPD!

You are correct. And no, it wasn’t a dream sequence. It was half of a dream sequence. It’s like somebody in the writers’ room watched The Sixth Sense and thought that would be a neat trick to pull, after which he received a partial frontal lobotomy. If you watch the commentary bits of that DVD, Shyamalan explains how a good twist ending type thing is something that you COULD see coming, but don’t - this felt like the show jerking me around for the sake of jerking me around, which I don’t like at all. Now that I’ve got some distance and perspective, I don’t necessarily want to brain the entire cast and crew to death with bricks of compressed gorilla crap, but I don’t like them introducing the whole House totally does sex on Cuddy thing to then turn around and back away from it as quickly as they possibly can. The whole thing feels a little cheap and flimsy to me, and I can’t help but think there was a better way for the show to get to where it is now than…that.

Of course, this is at least an interesting new status quo they’ve created, which is a good thing for the series. One way or the other, I suspect that next season House will not be on the same variety of drugs as he is now, which would definitely be a good thing if it lets the character stop being the sort of guy other people would intentionally shove down the stairs.

Of course, my disdain will transform to respect if in the first episode of next season there is an autistic kid playing with a snowglobe. I might be able to forgive them then.

But what about the elevated oxytocin levels?!

Except that House hallucinating was a pretty key aspect of the last two episodes of the show. So it’s not like this came out of nowhere. And when the latest one is available on Hulu, go back and watch the last three straight through. The lighting and coloring and camerawork all hint at what is and is not real. I’m waiting to see what they do with next year before I decide how I feel about this ending, but I think that the way they lead up to it and executed it were both brilliant.

It seems that the “pink pages” convention is not at all universal, so I wish people would not casually drop the phrase into conversation.

Ho hum. I’d already submitted a definition to Urban Dictionary under the impression that all pink pages were about dreams/fantasies etc.

Ehhhh…subtle camera and lighting work like that is fine in a piece that you’re going to watch all in a row (like a film), but I’m not sure I like it in a television series where you’re going at least a week between new episodes. And to be fair, thinking back over past seasons I guess that I should have seen this crap coming, what with the ACTUAL dream sequence they pulled a couple of years ago.

Question, though: Why in the hell is House going to a mental institution when they already ruled out schizophrenia? Is this the rehab institute that Wilson mentioned last episode or what?

I think it’s lupus.