I hate this guy

I did, in fact, have to surrender my geek card when I failed to recognize Mr. Reading Rainbow. Besides age the misleading lack of mitigating factors was kind of embarrassing.

My first thought too.

And to be fair to both of us, I immediately grasped the Star Trek connection, and the other two appeared on TNG and Voyager, which had Wil on as well. So, naturally, it really is Wil Wheaton and they’re yanking our chain because everyone knows that Eomer was never in Star Trek!

I definitely DO NOT hate this guy, but WTF.

Aw damn, turns out the Stevie Wonder ad is a fake. I’m weirdly disappointed to hear that. Well done, whoever created the spoof, well done.

Stevie likes to play alone, even if he has no idea what’s happening…“I love the sound of fun!”

When I was a kid my uncle gave us the princely gift of the Atari 2600 for christmas. my brother and myself were overjoyed to finally get a gaming console!!

Unfortunately, my uncle lived in Germany and had obviously sent us the German edition and we lived in South Africa. When we connected it to our TV, it turned out that we couldn’t use it! So, much to our despair, the Atari lived in a box in our cellar unused and I have no idea when we finally tossed it out…

I’m not 100% clear what the exact Problem had been, but it seems our TVs used PAL-I and Germany was on PAL-G/B and they were apparently not compatible.

I became a game junkie with the Atari 2600. I easily had over 100 cartridges that I ended up selling at a garage sale, probably for a couple bucks a piece. I even had the modem from some 3rd party that let you download games and pay like 10 cents or a quarter to play them, had weekly contests and more. I also had the device that played games off of a cassette tape - Escape From the MindMaster was awesome!

We had an Intellivision instead of an Atari 2600 when I was growing up. Still, some of my greatest memories growing up was playing Night Stalker and Astrosmash on the Intellivision with my friends and family. OMG, and B-52 Bomber with the Intellivoice add-on system. Totally forgot about that thing until i started typing this… Eventually for Christmas I got an Atari emulator that plugged in to the Intellivision cartridge slot that let you play Atari games. It was glorious.

My family has a history of picking the loser in the head-to-head fights. Over the years we had a Betamax VCR (was 5+ years before we finally bought a VHS to replace it) and a Sega Genesis (never owned a SNES) as well.

Fucking brutal. Pardon my French.


Could’ve been worse. I got an Odyssey 2.

A friend had an Odyssey (or 2 who knows) and would tell me all the time how much better a system it was than the 2600. It was, but I could actually buy a lot of games for the 2600 to play.

I still own our Intellivision and it is still awesome. I racked up a nice score on Astrosmash a while back but it took forever and my thumbs were hurting afterward from those stupid side buttons.

I grew up with a freakin’ Mac 512K and managed to fall in love with computer games anyway.

Now I want to play Adventure and Star Raiders again.

That fake Stevie Wonder ad is so great.

Can anyone recognize the game the kid is playing?

It’s one of the Super Solvers games.

Whatever it is, it’s positively orgasmic.

24 days later. If only you could’ve lasted 4 more days.

I’ll show myself out.