It’s the 20:20 movie frame game of 2018!

Don’t go in expecting a traditional Holmes movie. Post war Holmes is a ‘different thing entirely’




your go @Soren_Hoglund

“Stand In Ian McKellen” is an excellent job title.

It absolutely is, and is the primary reason I included a credits shot.

I see @Soren_Hoglund is suffering the same affliction as Holmes was. Shall I prepare your tea with royal jelly?

Aight, here’s a new 20:20

Hard Boiled?

Hard Boiled isn’t nearly as desaturated as that.

That’s fair:)

I don’t know what it is, but I know it’s Korean.


Do you know, or are you just playing the odds because it’s a frame I posted?

And no, not Oldboy.

Are you Korean?

My first wife was half-Korean. I recognize that actor. We saw some movie or something, where he played a cop.

Nah, I’m just recognizing that I might have an easy go to pattern in my picks.

Everyone should change it up to shake it up.

Let’s get the 40:40 out of the way, since I don’t think a shot of a random street will give much more information:

(Other than yes, it’s definitely Korean.)

The 60:60

The 80:80

If the three principals don’t register, I suspect the battered vehicle moving at some velocity in the 100:100 won’t help either.

I might have set myself up for a loss here.

Another Korean Action Flick that I’d Never Watch, Probably about Cops and Robbers, Because I Recognize One Actor From A DVD My Mother-In-Law (At The Time) Lent My Ex-Wife Along With Some Korean Soaps (That I Didn’t Watch)?


Well, some of those words are probably true.

The 120:120