It’s the 20:20 movie frame game of 2018!

Okay, the 100:100 and 120:120…

The last shot is essentially the last frame of the film.

Looks Cronenberg-y or some Italian horror thing. No idea, though.

I can honestly say this movie is the scariest, most horrible, most relentlessly captivating thing I’ve seen in recent memory. I literally can not stop thinking about it. But clearly I whiffed hoping people would know it despite the obscurity of it’s frames.

What? Really? Yikes. WELL WHAT IS IT? You have failed already! Time to come clean and let the rest of us know what this movie is.



Yup, I lost. It’s from a 1984 movie called Threads, a docu-drama style take on what would happen to Britain if it was hit by a nuclear bomb. I heard about it from this Vice article, which I chased with reading this Guardian essay about, which described it as the scariest movie the author had ever seen. After watching it, I agree: it’s absolutely harrowing. Just read the Wikipedia synopsis if you want to get a taste of how dark and grimly unrelenting a take on nuclear war this is. A new Blu-Ray edition of the movie just came out, I suggest everyone who thinks they can handle it to check it out. It’s an extremely important work of art, I think.

Anyways, I lost. Here’s a palate-cleansing 20:20…

Duck Soup?

Duck Soup it is!

The 40:40

And the 60:60…

Yay! Craig got one! Woot!


“I’m going back and clean the crackers out of my bed; I’m expecting company.”

“This is a gala day for you.”
“Well, a gal a day is enough for me. I don’t think I could handle any more.”

Here we go, This one might be tough to start, so I’ll post the 40:40 quickish so we see people

The 20:20

This is a wild guess, but The King’s Speech?

That is a wild guess.

Never seen it. But I can see why you’d go with something like that. (The 40 has actors, I promise)

That pitchfork scene in The Crazies?


Doctor Strange?

This probably greatly narrows it down

The 40:40


Romeo Must Die? ;)

Is that Jet Li and an aging Jackie Chan, fighting together? Is it Forbidden Kingdom?