It’s the 20:20 movie frame game of 2018!

Then it still hasn’t been done, which is somehow oddly comforting, but I have no idea why.

I think I tried to capture TSR at one point, but it was so so obvious I never bothered finishing it.

TSR sounds like shorthand for a new iteration of a Star Trek show.


TSR will always mean Terminate & Stay Resident to me because I’m really fucking old.

I can’t imagine TSR meaning anything but


Like how I, at one point, tried taking frames for To Kill a Mockingbird.

It would be entirely pointless as the first was Gregory Peck on a swing with his daughter in the film

I thought the 20:20 game had to be about movies and suddenly everyone’s talking about That’s So Raven for some reason?

My son is reading that in school. He’s almost done. I told him yesterday there’s a twist ending wherein it turns out they’re all on another planet and Boo Radley is an alien overlord. He pulls the skin off his face to reveal he is a lizard person. I told him it was one of the biggest ending twists in all of literature.

Strangely, my son didn’t believe me.


This is what happens when you don’t want to type out “Shawshank” on your stupid tablet keyboard.

Get busy typin’ or get busy abbreviatin’.


The forty:



The forty looks like it took place a few seconds before the twenty!

Taken by the nameless spirit! Well done.

sixty-one (one of my favorite scenes of all time):

The eighty-whatever:

This is an extremely difficult movie to watch, and totally worth it. I love the way it is structured and think the acting and direction are brilliant.

You have the conch, @anonymgeist!



Fassbender and Ser Davos housed together during the filming of that movie, and basically practiced that scene over and over and over in their spare time.

Is this where I admit that I haven’t actually seen Hunger yet? But it’s on my Netflix queue. Somewhere. I swear.

Anyway. I’ll have a new frame up tonight!

Well, it’s a Steve McQueen film. Difficult to watch is kind of his thing.

The new 20:20

Death Spa

Staying Alive?
