It’s the 20:20 movie frame game of 2018!

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Finally a man who knows his quality teen post-apocalypse cannibal siege movies! Of course it’s The Day, a movie financed by Dominic Monaghan’s Lost and Lord of the Rings money, plus whatever Shawn Ashmore could kick in. The 60:60 has the little girl with the ribbon in her hair who will be featured prominently in the movie’s final scene:


The 80:80 is just credits.

I actually quite like The Day. Michael Eklund is always a fun bad guy, and Michael Eklund with a mohawk is even more fun. The desaturated “is it black-and-white?” color, a la The Road, looked really nice, and the pretty actors had dirt smudged strategically onto their faces to make them look like hardened survivors. It’s a cool concept, too. The food cache as a deathtrap. How come there was nothing like that in Fallout?

But mostly, I like The Day because it was the movie that decided Ashley Bell, that sweet little girl from Last Exorcism, is a complete and total 100% badass. So here’s a bonus frame of coffee and a cigarette with the incomparable Miss Bell, playing Mad Max in a sundress with a floral pattern, which makes her look awfully fetching in this post-apocalypse:

Over to you, Jason “The Day Recognizer” Levine!


I enjoyed it too and it’s not even a grampa movie! And that sweet little girl in the final scene…

I’ll have something up tomorrow.

New 20:

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets.

Soren, I think you just set a new record for the fastest correct answer. Under a minute. It is Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets. What a mess.

Over to you, Mr. Hoglund quick type!

Very recognizable frame, that.

It wasn’t terrible, though the leads kinda were. No charisma. But it was visually well done, and worth seeing when you’re on a 14 hour plane flight and just need to stay awake to reset your body clock.

I can’t think of anything clever, so I’m just going to stay on-brand for the new 20:20


Memories of Murder?


Not Memories of Murder.

The 60:60

The President’s Last Bang?


Not that either.

Moving right along to the 80:80, since there’s not much new information there:

Man, I know I’ve seen some of these actors before, but I can’t remember where.

Wild guess, Internal Affairs.

Yeah, I’m almost certain I’ve seen the guy in the 20:20. But where?


Fairly probably you’ve seen most of these actor’s before. You’ve definitely seen the chap in the Power Cardigan.

And no, it’s not Infernal Affairs either.

I might have set myself up for failure here, so I’m going to move on to the 100:100 and our increasingly battered protagonist:

So the final shot:

I’ll give it another twelwe hours or so and then I’ll concede defeat and post a new movie.

Dead bodies in a hallway? The Raid: Redemption!