It’s the 20:20 movie frame game of 2018!

Easter nudge for guesses



Not mute.

Here’s the 60:60

No guesses? New frame in the morning, I suppose then.

I’m still trying to figure out what the heck that thing is next to the lamp in the 20:20!


Are you talking about that floaty looking thing or that fuzzy thing? Because I kept studying the fuzzy thing on the far side of the frame, thinking it might be some kind of weird wig until Craig said the 20 had no people in it.


I figured it was a metal model of some kind of sea creature and that the object next to the lamp was some nautical instrument. So we are clearly looking at an Asian interpretation of 20000 Leagues Under the Sea in which Captain Nemo abducts hapless civilians and keeps them in cages.

I love this.

Hey. Let’s all get in a totally dark room and feel an elephant together!


-Was that a pass?

Ghost in the Shell?

Hehe, ok that was pretty funny you guys. This one may not help much, but I promise the next frame has the main character. Again (you see him in the 40 as well)

The 80:80

And I promise you will recognize him.

I can’t look at the 20:20 and see anything but Disney’s The Black Hole, which @Woolen_Horde already guessed. No subsequent frames can crowd that impression out. I don’t care how much cognitive dissonance it requires.

The Foreigner?

Haven’t seen The Foreigner yet, but this one is severely lacking in Pierce Brosnan.

Is it Police Story Lockdown?

Well spotted. The 100

Man this movie is a stark reminder that age gets us all. It feels like Jackie Chan has aged 20 years in the last decade.

Which, to be fair, he was still moving around and fighting like he was 30 into his 50’s, so there is that. Still old man Jackie is not as nimble and inventive in his choreography.

You’re up @charmtrap

Sweet! I actually really liked that movie, which is more than I can say for most of the rest of the series.

New 20 here.

Mom and Dad!


I’m just glad I’m not the only one who saw this bonkers fucking movie. I was afraid I was going to take an L on this one.




No way, I loved that movie. It had its own thread here from the review on the front page!

That 80:80 is great. I wouldn’t have gotten it from the 40 or 60, but the actor in the 20:20 is such a memorable oddball. I just had to remember which movie he played a school teacher in. It was either this, Cooties, or Freaks of Nature.

I win! Yay! Okay, off to find the perfect 20:20. BRB.


In what movie will you see this at the 20:20?
