Jessica Jones - from Marvel and Netflix

Oh god, the nostalgia trip :D

The show is also fucking weird. (I’ve not read the comic, though.)

I can’t stop singing that god damn song now. I CAN’T STOP

Legion is weird but they do a fantastic job of making the insanity of the earlier episodes pay off in an incredible fashion. JJ never paid off because in the end they did what they should have done during any of the 500 opportunities to end Kilgrave instead of doing the absolute most stupid thing possible to allow him and thus the show to stretch out. Legion is so far above Jessica Jones in style and entertainment, it does not deserve to be brought down by comparing it to that over-padded bore fest. I really wanted to like Jessica Jones but frankly I thought it was the worst of the Netflix Marvel series and that’s in spite of the fact that I liked Tennant and Ritter and their roles. It was the story that was lacking.

Just finished The Punisher, to be fair they all have way too much filling, could easily drop to 9 episodes and do away with all the pointless crap. Does my head in, what with so much good stuff to watch having to sit through pointless fluff is a real pain.

While I don’t disagree that they generally have an episode or two more than they really need, at least they’re not network TV. Slogging through 22-26 episodes a season drives me spare.

I’m from England and we don’t get that here unless we are watching US show. Most are 6 episodes so the Netflix ones are still a lot longer than I prefer.

I think JJ handled it well. Killgrave was pretty good about having contingencies to keep her from just crushing his skull like a grape. Add in some PTSD and fear, and it felt fine to me. But to each his own.

Edit: Also I’m never in the “too many episodes” category if I enjoy the characters and their interactions. It’s not a movie where I have to sit and watch it in one go. I’d watch Matt Murdock and Jessica Jones shoot the shit and do their jobs endlessly. It’s why I enjoy the shows. One of the bad parts of Defenders is how rushed it all felt.

Edit2: Also the worst? You can’t have watched Iron Fist then.

They literally sat around a table and bickered for an entire episode.

I liked that episode, so far it hasn’t felt rushed to me, all the other series drag on way to much. 8 - 10 episodes is much better imo. 6 is normal in the UK :D

I fell off the Netflix Marvel shows after two or three episodes of Luke Cage. Which wasn’t bad, but I never got around to watching further.

Jessica Jones is still my favorite show so far of the Netflix shows I watched, though. It is 6 episodes too long, but I think that goes for all the shows.

It’s a bit of a waste that they make these otherwise great shows, and they suck hard in places. If only they got in a professional to polish the awful bits. Even if that meant cutting out several episodes, or simply doing a better job of writing or polishing.

To me, Iron Fist said a lot about the kind of problems they have. That lame dog should have been put out of it’s misery. Luke Cage, The Defenders, Daredevil, and whatever other ones I watched and forgot wasn’t too much better.

That said, I’m a sucker for a private detective show, and will watch all of Jessica Jones season 2.

This pretty much summarizes all of Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and The Defenders from my perspective. Soooo much filler.

I liked both seasons of Daredevil (is a third on the way?), Jessica Jones and Luke Cage, but I don’t know if I feel like watching either The Defenders or The Punisher. Hope there are more seasons about Matt, Jessica and Luke.

If you like three of the four characters I’m not sure why you wouldn’t watch Defenders. It also resolves several plot threads from Daredevil season two.

Also The Punisher is amazing

The first half is pretty fun just to see the characters get to know each other, but as a show overall it’s incredibly disappointing.

It’s the best show the Iron Fist has appeared in, but it’s the worst show all the other characters have appeared in. I could easily understand skipping it.

I think one of the main issues is every show has real issues and also real enjoyment.

Jessica Jones - Really liked her hated Kilgrave and the stupidity of him. But seeing JJ and and her portrayal of the character was great.
Luke Cage - Again I like him but the baddie for the second half was dreadful as was the storyline.
Ironfist was just crap.
The Punisher was my favourite but the storyline was still weak as was the baddie.
Daredevil I enjoyed mainly due to Kingpin who was awesome but it was slow in places and season 2 didn’t work for me.
The Defenders I am really enjoying but haven’t finished it yet.

Everyone has parts they really like and parts they don’t. So you have every season with either too much filler, poor villains or stupid storylines or some of all of them in each season.

I would like to see smaller seasons, tighter writing with better villains.

Very true, D’Onofrio brought some of that Full Metal Jacket gravitas to the role.