Mass Effect Trilogy Remastered - coming soon?

I can certainly imagine anyone that’s played a lot of this franchise over the years, especially those such as @Knightsaber whom have modded the hell out of it and/or replayed the titles several times from start to finish, having the same reaction as I did when Baldur’s Gate EE came out and I skipped it for a bit (I did of course later get into and enjoy the EE versions of all those games, but the first EE game was announced just months after I had picked it up and played through it off GOG, dammit).

I’m expecting a pretty darn new experience, thanks largely to my old-man brain that can’t remember shit, and a lengthy one at that. My biggest issue honestly is I’ll never get through all this content - each game is a pretty decent length, plus all the DLC, but I think it will be neat to finally import saves from game to game.

Oh wow, it would feel really weird not to do that, to me.

Yeah, I never had a save from my previous times played - remember that back when 1 and 2 were coming out it was good practice to wipe your OS and give it a good “spring cleaning” now and then, and I was not always great back then about saving my game files. So consequently, I’ve never had any sort of saves to import for almost any game that supports such things. I believe in Dragon Age Inquisition I ended up using some sort of official web page that you could run through and generate a save file from, but generally that sort of thing just hasn’t been an option for me. :)

I bought it in February because hell yeah

I would have very confused if you hadn’t pre-ordered already! :)

I have probably played each of the originals 3-4 times, so I probably won’t be buying this in the near future unless it gets rave reviews.

But it’s the same games. Just a little prettier, with some quality of life improvements. Which is probably what all the reviews will say.

That comment from @Scuzz confused me a bit as well. This is still Mass Effect Trilogy - just with a lot of visual upgrades and QoL features applied (many of which, I assume but don’t know for sure, come directly from popular mods). The question is more how “modern” will this look/play, and I suspect it will look and play pretty well.

From the prerelease stuff I would expect ME1 to be substantially improved in playability and 2 and 3 to be nearly identical to the original releases.

It really most likely comes down to “did they introduce a bug or issue that didn’t get addressed in the day 1 patch” for me. It would be annoying to find out there is some sort of game breaking/progress blocking bug at the end of ME1 or introduced by importing a save now that wasn’t a problem years ago. Fingers crossed nothing like that happens.

I need to hear from more people telling me how they aren’t getting this. I’m having withdrawals.

I’m currently replaying the originals with texture and gamepad mods.

I’m still deciding if I’ll buy this on release, or wait for the first big discount some months later. I’m not in a rush to replay ME (though I want to do so), and I have plenty of games to play for a good while.

Without the MP, it’s a pass for me.

Already preordered for XSX, happy it doesn’t have multiplayer so I don’t have to grind to get a good ending in ME3.

Never saw the re-done endings for ME3, so I’ll have a reward at the end.

Question will be if I can force myself to play Renegade.

This is me. I’ve thought about replaying a few times in the last year, but the persistent rumors of the LE have made me wait. Now that it’s about to come out, the month is crammed with other games I want to play (as I mentioned in the Wallet Threat thread). So I’ll wait for a discount. I imagine around the holiday season I’ll be able to pay half price or so.

I’m looking forward to playing the various DLCs. However I’m going to have to find myself really bored to shell out $60 for it. Assuming other games can keep me entertained I’ll wait for a deep sale.

Only played about 6 hours of the first one and 3 of the second. Been on my backlog for awhile. I’m looking forward to diving into the remakes.

Two factors complicate this idea – the passage of time since the series was released and the platform/format of the releases. For the ME games, there’s no way to know (1) what platform the player originally played it on, as these games were 360/PS3/PC releases, (2) whether the player paid full price or bought at a steep discount, or even got it for free as a GWG, PS+, etc., or (3) who really bought it other than direct digital sales. Quite a different scenario from a single-platform upgrade for verified owners that likely happened within a year of purchase when the lowest possible sale price was a known quantity.

Traditionally for remasters, new platform = new purchase. Maybe PC owners are disadvantaged, but there’s no way to make everyone happy. That, and I suspect Bioware needs some positive revenue associated with it after the last few years.

There’s a very clear and direct way to know if someone owns the ME trilogy on PC - checking their Steam or Origin account. (particularly Origin, as most people won’t have ME3 on Steam). If someone originally played on some other platform then, yeah, new platform. Sorry. Other than that nothing you mention is relevant as it all is true of many other games where owners of the original games did get a remaster discounted or for free.

EA chose not to do it. That is their prerogative, as my complete lack of interest in paying the price they are asking for a game trilogy I already own and intention to wait for it to be on sale for $10 or less is mine. They probably could have gotten more out of me if they’d bothered to acknowledge the money I’d already given them. So be it.