Mayor of Toronto on the Way Out

Classy. This post is in really bad taste.

What the fuck? I wasn’t celebrating his death.

“Finally” dead as in relief.

Yes, they needed to be jailed.

“Finally” may have been not in the best taste, but they definitely should have been in prison. And while we should be more ashamed of Trump than Toronto is of the Fords, they should still be pretty damn ashamed of him.

Er…either way it’s still kinda distasteful man.

I think of “finally” in relation to Rob Ford as more like, finally the guy’s lifestyle did him in. You don’t really expect morbidly obese crack fiends who guzzle bottles of Wild Turkey to make it to whatever Canada’s version of Social Security is. At least he outlived his doppleganger Chris Farley.

If we followed the if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all line of thinking then the RIP Rob Ford thread would have no posts. Anyway, what a perfectly appropriate thread title.

Except it didn’t. He died of a rare form of cancer.

Lauding someone’s death is just classless, and it’s a shame that internet culture has so damaged social interaction that people no longer even seem aware of, let alone feel the need to abide by, basic human decency.

I knew Rob Ford and despised him. But the dude was just 46 and that’s younger than anyone should die.

Oh, FFS.

My foot long sub is (finally) finished
Daikatana is (finally) released
Michigan State’s basketball season is (finally) over

None of that is “lauding” the end. The line “Rob Ford is (finally) dead” could be read in different ways, but you’d be bringing your own views to the table if you assume that’s what he’s doing, especially when he says he’s not.

Ford wasn’t known to be terminally ill until very recently. He was expected to recover from his cancer until about a month ago. The only assumption I made was that you might be familiar with what you were talking about before you jumped in to defend someone cheering someone dying of cancer. But that’s just the type of person you are, it seems.

I just don’t think adding (finally) was necessary, and with writing, it’s very hard to convey your meaning without adding an extra level of vagueness. Also, 46 is way to young for anyone not named Hitler or Hun or some other murderous despot.

Yeah, clearly he’s not lauding the end. Clearly I’m the one making assumptions based upon biases, not you. You’re goddamn lucid.

Jesus, how can you seriously be debating that it’s not classy to cheer someone’s death from cancer?

BECAUSE HE SAID HE’S NOT. NOBODY IS SAYING IT’S CLASSY TO CHEER SOMEONE’S DEATH. Did he make fun of him for having cancer? Yes. Years ago - ya know, when you said people were expecting him to recover. That wasn’t classy - no doubt. However, that does not mean he was cheering his death? No. Especially when in the same post he said “I wouldn’t wish cancer on anybody”

Christ. I expressed “finally” as relief that the whole saga/ordeal/farce/tragedy/suffering is over–I’m not gleeful that he’s dead. If anything, I wished he was still alive so he could have some redemption or atonement for the bullshit he’s inflicted on his city.

Hey hey hey, of course not. Let’s reiterate the statements as if they were directed at another notorious Toronto politician who died of colon cancer and see if you feel the same.

I was just expressing relief

Yep. Impeccable good taste and manners. How could anyone call him out for that?

Maybe you should have called him out for that two years ago when he said it?

09-18-2014, 05:28 PM

Are you for real? Are you still arguing that he wasn’t pissing on the grave of someone who died of cancer, given that chain of statements?

Alright, buddy, agree to disagree. I’m sure you won’t be hypocritical the next time someone expresses “relief” that another political figure is “finally” dead of cancer, after he previously stated it was “funny” that the figure had cancer.

Conveniently and bizarrely, you ignore my statement where I definitely state that I am NOT pissing on his grave and descend into histrionics by attacking your opposites on the political spectrum: the damned, dirty, left-wing liberals.

Stop being a moron.

I just reposted your words, after substituting the other Toronto politician who recently died in the same circumstances except he wasn’t as young, in the hope that you’d realize that your conduct is shameful here.

The fact that you think that’s “descending into histrionics” and attacking “damned, dirty, left-wing, liberals” and being “moronic” just emphasizes your lack of judgment and perspective in this matter.

I think (former QT3 member?) Charles wrote the best epitaph for Rob Ford, the simple truth without any glee, over at Broken Forum:

Rob Ford, a terrible mayor who made Toronto a laughingstock in the eyes of the world, can no longer cause political harm.

Is it really worth getting worked up about some dude on the internet making an off color remark?