Neo Nazis and the Alt Right

@jpinard If you really want to get into a language debate, then, when you say:

“disadvantaged have been forced into awful living (if you can call it that) circumstances just so Trump and his buddies can make a few extra bucks”

What is the meaning of ‘Just so’?
According to Google definition, it mostly means:



1.based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair.

“a just and democratic society”

So, you’ve described these issues as being ‘Just’ on the part of Donald Trump.
You might consider that to be a form of extreme nitpicking, but there is a difference between how you meant it, and how it reads - as the opposite of what you mean. You have declared Trump to be ‘Just’, without meaning it - that is the power of language.

I used to try and explain this stuff to people, especially to those on the left- they didn’t want to know. So, when I say that English isn’t my first language, I mean it - because English isn’t anybody’s ‘First Language’. Taught language teaches us to be taught.

That was the joke about the ‘Tower of Babel’ and the cursing of misunderstanding via language.